So far I would have to say Apex and Freedom Fight have to be the top two promotions of Canada.
So far I would have to say Apex and Freedom Fight have to be the top two promotions of Canada.
I agree.
They certainly have the guys with the best intentions and a true passion for MMA. I've also heard from the fighters that they are treated very well by both promotions.
Great for these promoter's and fighters. Too bad they have to use the QAC.
Can't wait for an event by these guys in Ontario or elsewhere!!!!!!!!!
Y. Lee
I've always had a good time at the WFF cards. ALthough those are the only fight cards i've been to.
Having competed and cornered in many of Canadas larger promotions I would say that Jason Townes WFF has impressed me the most. The fighters are taken care of very well, the venue is great and it is Shooto sanctioned which creates opportunities for fighters to compete overseas. This maybe a little biased because I love the west coast. I was also really happy with Krzysstoffs UCW in Winnipeg. Once again fighters treated fairly, good match making, venue and fans. I think that having a promoter that has been in the ring himself makes a big difference in how the athletes are treated. Not counting out Freedom Fight or Apex! I have not been involved with either shows but I've heard no complaints. Nothing but good to say about Alex or Pete.
Well from my exp I have been brought to Montreal and I have competed in Japan , Mexico and in the USA and all I can say from a world wide opinion Alex/Apex has to be #1 of ANYWHERE I have ever been. I hear alot of good things about Freedom fight as well.
Thanks Justin...hey I lost your number please email it to me. The Dragon Mist boys were asking about ya and Ive got some ???'s as well.
I agree.
APEX-Alex & Company/Freedom Fight are definitely the best
promoters to work with.
However, Bill Mahood is also great to work with.
Although I've never been to the XFC, I've heard it's among the best
in Canada.
XFC runs on October 15, 2005
We expect a turn out of about 3000
Have also heard very good things about Mahoods show.
It's important to mention a newcomer to the Canadian scene who has made a big impression with a good quality show and high quality production value.
Ultimate Cage Wars - the promoter is Kris "Experiment" in Winnipeg Manitoba.
It's a great show to watch and be apart of.
you are all on crack...there's no real debate
Stephane Patry
Best fighters, fights, production, and most successful promoter and manager in the history of canadian mma.
Pablos Newton fuck you! Crack Kills Biiiatch and so does BARNONE! :)
lol this time you got me man.. i have to tell the truth. the top promotion in canada is TKO at this time but things are growing in other places.. eg freedomfight, Apex, WFF ect..
Pablos Newton,
It all depends on how you define "best" Event, "best" promoter and
"success". These can mean 3 very different things. I respect your
right to express your opinion but I have yet to see you post an
objective view where you don't simply suck up to a certain
I assisted UFC, TKO, UGC, Apex, Freedom fights. And i don't know why you are saying Apex/Freedom is the best canadian promotion. What are your arguments?.
Off course you guys will say i'm biased and it's true, but why should a promotion with only 3 shows in more than one year should be the best. When they will come with 4 or 5 events a year, with more then 500 attendance, may be they will be the best but honestly now the best is by far TKO. Even if BSF don't agree :)
Its called "Treatment" My argument is I have been all over the world and competed in many places. Alex goes above and beyond for the fighters and treats everyone very fair.
You dont hear horror stories about him or Pete for that matter.
I didnt ask who had the most in attendance did I? Im not trying to come off like an ass just talking about the way people have taken care of me or my fighters and these two are very HIGH in my book.
Claude stop trolling. :)