Best/Favorite NoGi Guard?

With nogi season here, I was looking for videos to watch to open my mind a little more to the nogi guard game. Links to vids would be nice or just names. Thanks guys.

My no gi game is a lot of butterfly/ x guard combos... And the overhook closed guard game....

Differs alot from my gi game with is primarily alot of spider.

If you are looking for specific guys to watch no gi; ummmm well can't go wrong with someone like marcelo Phone Post 3.0

ohmy23 - My no gi game is a lot of butterfly/ x guard combos... And the overhook closed guard game....

Differs alot from my gi game with is primarily alot of spider.

If you are looking for specific guys to watch no gi; ummmm well can't go wrong with someone like marcelo Phone Post 3.0

Thanks alot! And i too heavily rely alot on grips as far as my gi game goes. I have been trying to utilize alot of butterfly in my nogi just need to tighten it up

Lockdown system, high closed guard, butterfly with a 2 on 1 grip Phone Post 3.0

Closed Phone Post 3.0

1/4, lockdown, butterfly, rubber #allday :-) Phone Post 3.0

Reverse DLR and tornado guard about 70-80 % of the time, supplemented with overhook butterfly/arm wrap attacks, 2 on 1 spider guard (if he keeps his legs away) and the deep half waiter sweep. I also try to enter X-guard whenever possible off of any failed primary sweep.

Butterfly/x or RDLR Phone Post 3.0

I used to think that 1/2 guard was the absolute best. But now I see butterfly and closed guards are extremely effective. Especially if punches are involved. Phone Post 3.0

EddieBravo - 1/4, lockdown, butterfly, rubber #allday :-) Phone Post 3.0

Have come across many of your sparring sessions eddie and my mind was blown at how cool your techniques are and how they work. I try to work rubber guard on the newer guys as much as possible. Definitely mind opening. Thanks for responding

EddieBravo - 1/4, lockdown, butterfly, rubber #allday :-) Phone Post 3.0

What do you do when guys pass standing?

rdlr, butterfly, x guard. Don't like closed or dlr guard much in nogi. I actually use a lot of 50/50 in nogi, but almost never in the gi

DLR or 93 guard Phone Post

Shemhazai -
EddieBravo - 1/4, lockdown, butterfly, rubber #allday :-) Phone Post 3.0

What do you do when guys pass standing?
Inverted ;) Phone Post 3.0

Shemhazai -
EddieBravo - 1/4, lockdown, butterfly, rubber #allday :-) Phone Post 3.0

What do you do when guys pass standing?
Inverted ;) Phone Post 3.0

What do I do if they are standing?

Secure 1/4 on one leg, then clinch the other leg and drag him down.

I teach spiral, X, and dlr but I only use it personally if I can't drag my opponent down with the 1/4 clinch :-) Phone Post 3.0

Closed and lockdown half, everything else I feel much more vulnerable to passers. Phone Post