Best place for Florida event listings...

Where are the best sites for finding up coming mma events, pro and ammy?
I check here on (which has lots of events missing) and the department of business Profesional regulation's Fla state boxing commish section at

Any other sites that list events?

I keep a running list of MMA events across Florida with full details on my Up Coming Events board on Here's the direct link to the board.

Also a list of up coming BJJ tournaments.

You can also get event alerts from the facebook page But you guys are supposed to #1 local combat sports. Shouldn't I be getting the news from you? Just kidding bro. I'm will to help out a fellow media guy any way I can. Just this once. Don't go stealing my stuff now.

 Thanks brother. 

We got no problem when it comes to covering the events, just finding listings for some events that fly under the radar. 
 Florida doesn't seem to have one site that lists all up coming events. MMA.TV often doesn't have events listed that I know are happening. The boxing commission has a more  thorough list but seems to not have all ammy events listed sometimes. 

I will be sure to check your forum for listings of events.  Don't have to worry about stealing any of your stuff, just looking for a resource that lists events. Looks like you got a great forum for that.


Its all good. I was just goofing. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to make my site a full on blog site. I'm not one of those people that can do that daily blog update. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day those bloggers and writers do that.

I'm mostly just trying to provide a resource and a forum board for Florida BJJ players and MMA fighters. And some sporadic reports on issues, fights etc.

Good luck with everything. Keep in touch.

 Well you got a great forum and I see you keep it updated with all the local shows going on. Good stuff, thanks for the help brother.

i saw this

posted somewhere, on the sidebar they have events listed per month, hope it helps

Thanks! Phone Post