For me it was seeing him look his age. Last year I seen photos of him and he didn't age well. Seeing him on the podcast he looks much healthier! I think he was doing a lot of seminars last year though.
I found it interesting how similar he and Kron sound/speak.
KidPittsburgh - I found it interesting how similar he and Kron sound/speak.Yeah, I want Leon to do well. I'm glad he's fighting in Japan rather than America (:

Is Kron in the next Metamoris? No, right? Someone I know suggested that he might be for whatever reason.
Kostakio - Is Kron in the next Metamoris? No, right? Someone I know suggested that he might be for whatever reason.
As far as right now, no. There is a Secret Match that they're having and some are saying that's Kron, but he's already set for his MMA debut next month, so I think that conflicts too much for it to be true.