Best TUF season ever!

I just love this season. Every episode I watch just convinces me more and more that if I was to get a bad haircut and feed myself like a pig at a troft, I too could be a UFC heavyweight regardless of my physical shape, fighting skills or healthy natural dimensions.

 Do you want to be a Fucking can

It truly is an inspiration.

Wow you guys are awesome. Lets see whens the last time any of you traded punches with 240lb guys for 10 minutes?

Well I'm sure it was just the other day but I haven't seen it the tape yet so I'm just assuming.

Its amazing the bashing of TUF fighters that goes on and yet they keep proving to legit MMA contestants.

Rashad, Diego, Forest, Jardine, KenFlo, Marcus Davis, Lauzon, Gray Maynard, Joe Stevenson, etc., etc.. have all had their cardio's questioned by astute observers like you guys in the past.

This just in. Athletes improve. TUF is a springboard only for guys to go on to new camps and keep improving.

Whats the view look like from the pedestal your obviously standing above these so called "Tomato Cans" on?

lastcall, could you even begin to compare the TUF fights of Rashad, Diego, Forest, Jardine, KenFlo, Marcus Davis, Lauzon, Gray Maynard, Joe Stevenson, etc. to what we all saw last night? Even at the start of their TUF careers, they all looked much better than what we had to sit through last night...and let's not forget that the gassing started about 3 minutes in!

Each season, there are a few guys who shine, and as we get closer to the finale, it really heats up...but has anyone stood out this year as a future threat to Brock, Cain, Carwin, etc? Not in my opinion.


Excuse me DERYL? Rashad looked better? Jardine looked better? Marcus Davis looked better? etc..

Quit rewriting history and examine some footage.

If only I had quotes about these guys that came out on the UG after their fights.

Most of these guys are not even real heavyweights and a few of them are barely real MMA fighters.

lastcall - Wow you guys are awesome. Lets see whens the last time any of you traded punches with 240lb guys for 10 minutes?

Well I'm sure it was just the other day but I haven't seen it the tape yet so I'm just assuming.

Its amazing the bashing of TUF fighters that goes on and yet they keep proving to legit MMA contestants.

Rashad, Diego, Forest, Jardine, KenFlo, Marcus Davis, Lauzon, Gray Maynard, Joe Stevenson, etc., etc.. have all had their cardio's questioned by astute observers like you guys in the past.

This just in. Athletes improve. TUF is a springboard only for guys to go on to new camps and keep improving.

Whats the view look like from the pedestal your obviously standing above these so called "Tomato Cans" on?

So let me guess... you too are a fat ass that is thinking about trying out for the show.

These fights are a joke... two fat asses looking at each other throwing little back hand shots and wild drunken punches just does not cut it in my book.

This season is PATHETIC, lol. You can't honestly argue it.

lastcall - Wow you guys are awesome. Lets see whens the last time any of you traded punches with 240lb guys for 10 minutes?

Well I'm sure it was just the other day but I haven't seen it the tape yet so I'm just assuming.

Its amazing the bashing of TUF fighters that goes on and yet they keep proving to legit MMA contestants.

Rashad, Diego, Forest, Jardine, KenFlo, Marcus Davis, Lauzon, Gray Maynard, Joe Stevenson, etc., etc.. have all had their cardio's questioned by astute observers like you guys in the past.

This just in. Athletes improve. TUF is a springboard only for guys to go on to new camps and keep improving.

Whats the view look like from the pedestal your obviously standing above these so called "Tomato Cans" on?

Dude, ill admit there is way to much fighter bashing here but come on man... you cant defend this shit!? This is the worst season by far... seriously... most of these guys would lose a fight to a random guy I could pick out of the 7Eleven!!

bismanfightclub - ^that's just casue the random guy would be number 25.

#25 was looking more a little like a LHW.


Why did Dana like the last fight so much? It was a complete embarrassment for the sport, a slugfest with two drunken bar-room brawlers. But I've noticed Dana likes these sorts of contests.

Dana White has sent the sport WWAAAAYY backwards. Pride was the pinnacle of MMA - and perhaps will never be supassed.

DERYL - lastcall, could you even begin to compare the TUF fights of Rashad, Diego, Forest, Jardine, KenFlo, Marcus Davis, Lauzon, Gray Maynard, Joe Stevenson, etc. to what we all saw last night? Even at the start of their TUF careers, they all looked much better than what we had to sit through last night...and let's not forget that the gassing started about 3 minutes in!

Each season, there are a few guys who shine, and as we get closer to the finale, it really heats up...but has anyone stood out this year as a future threat to Brock, Cain, Carwin, etc? Not in my opinion.


Bungle - Why did Dana like the last fight so much? It was a complete embarrassment for the sport, a slugfest with two drunken bar-room brawlers. But I've noticed Dana likes these sorts of contests.

Dana White has sent the sport WWAAAAYY backwards. Pride was the pinnacle of MMA - and perhaps will never be supassed.

 At the risk of repetition, PRIDE was a cess-pool of organized crime, bribery, corruption and illegal performance enhancing substances. I truly enjoyed every PRIDE event I watched, but I'd stop short of calling the promotion "The pinnacle of MMA."

what the hell is dana thinking i remember when tuf season 1 started it was about finding undiscovered talent not getting kimbo slice and a bunch of washed up nfl players in there to try and make a little money this is pathetic ive spared with ammy heavy weights that would stomp a mud hole in these guy's a## and walk it dry there is just too much young talent out there to be letting these pathetic piles of goo have a shot just my opinion

^Well, your opinion is the right one!

Veegoh -  Do you want to be a Fucking can

I lol'd.

 did someone mention reggie bush?