My wife is a Packers fan and I am a Vikings fan. In any case, I have always told her that if the Packers make it to the SuperBowl, I would buy her and her dad tickets. After yesterday, there chances look pretty good. So now I need to know, what is the best way to buy the tickets?
And so that this is mma related, can you also get mma tickets in the same way?
if you have no chance in getting in the drawing to get regular face value tix(if it hasnt allready happened)then I would say ebay or stubhub is your best bet. but its gonna be pricy just like with any other ticket broker.
unless you know someone that works for one of the corporate sponsors, you can probably get hooked up that way.
Tell them you have tickets...
Game day - get them in a car and drive and drive... take them to an old burned out building and and announce... "Oh Shoot - the Superbowl must have burned down."
is what I use for concerts and popular sports events.... who am i kidding - i live in phoenix - short of the superbowl, there aren't any popular events here. the d-backs couldn't even sell out the nl championship series.