Best way to sell old DVDs?

I'm trying to clean up some clutter, and want to get rid of at least 50 DVDs. Would you sell them on ebay? Sell them individually on ebay, or as one big lot?

Any other ideas?

Wrong forum asshole.

lol are they MMA DVD's?

Negative. Just movies.

Meant to post this on the OG.

Mods, please move this if possible.

give them to your neighbor.

than wrong forum asshole!



I'd just post them for sale on random MMA forums.

 The OG will only be interested if they are tranny porn.

I've never lurked the OG, I've been scared to, is it really that bad

The HolyGround will be interested if it's underage stuff.

 I say Craigslist or Ebay

 The answer to your question can be found here at

Take them to your local used record / dvd store.

 What kind of movies are they?

do you have any eddie murphy dvd's?