bet you have not seen boxing hl videos like this

old school brawler

and the song, damn

goes well together in a way lol



This dude fought for the Heavyweight title in his first pro fight. 

Bobby Lupo -

This dude fought for the Heavyweight title in his first pro fight. 

yep and he showed a good jab in the fight

and he has a really good right hook

Dude turned pro at 30 (looked 50) against Floyd Patterson, ended up beating George Chuvalo years later, and lost to a 98-year-old Archie Moore 

Bobby Lupo - 

Dude turned pro at 30 (looked 50) against Floyd Patterson, ended up beating George Chuvalo years later, and lost to a 98-year-old Archie Moore 

overall immpressive

98 year young archie was still a beast