Beware UFC emailing spoilers

I never miss an event so I spend an awful amount of money supporting the UFC. Unfortunately the nature of my work makes it impossible to always catch fights live so I try everything in my power to avoid seeing/hearing results when I TIVO an event...That means avoiding people and places and staying off facebook or the UG. This weekend I had the misfortune of checking my EMAIL and got an solicitation email from the UFC Store congratulating CAIN...In my line of work it is imperative to check my email at odd hours and this email came through the same night as the event...SO frustrating when you've already paid and haven't seen it yet...It was in the subject line too so no way to avoid seeing it. Just a heads up to anyone else who might have a similar work situation.

You should reply with an e-mail on discount boner pills.

Definitely sucks, I've been in similar situations. I click random apps on my iPhone out of habit/boredom. Have been at work with UFC TiVo'd more than once with the intention to avoid spoilers and mindlessly clicked the twitter app ruining fights for myself.

You'd think the UFC would atleast wait till like the following Monday to send out such stuff. Phone Post 3.0

You'd think so. That would make a whole lot of sense. They refer to it as the greatest ever UFC night but it ain't that great when you know what's going to happen and you wasted your money already. You can bet there are a ton of people that cannot catch it live too...

I try to stay off the internet completely until I watch the fights if I miss a show. Too many ways to accidentally spoil the outcome Phone Post