Biden Admin Wanted to Place ‘Trusted Messenger’ on Rogan Podcast to Promote Covid Vaccines

That’s the reason he voted for him

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If you’re still schilling for these vaccines you’re either a retard or a peice of shit. Probably both

joe should tell them the fuck off

A vaccine so good that you need to be forced to take it.

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Those evil fucks

In the Covid time, Joe already had several orthodox/mainsteam doctors on, who were pro vaccine.

All that controversy, because he had on a couple of doctors with a different view. But, what the media didn’t mention was that, he also had on 3 or 4 Doctors with the conventional view. In fact he had on Michael Osterholm, twice. Osterholm worked for Biden.


He did. To Gupta’s face. It was glorious.

Rogans show made me realize what a snake Gupta was. Fits right in at CNN

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Lots of people bag on rogan. He’s a meathead, a pot head, and a little goofy. He’s just a dude with a sense of humor who hit it big and isnt constrained by the politics of what american journalism has become. That is precisely why his fans love him.

If journalists in the US had 1/10th of the gumption Joe displayed in his interview w Gupta, we would be in a much better place. He was polite and respectful, but absolutely would not let that worm off the hook and deflect from the direct question.


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