Bisping speaks out about TRT - cheaters get TOLD

In typical fasion, while other fighters bite their tongues and dance around the issues, Bisping (who many have dubbed the cheater-beater) cuts throught the crap and tells it like it is.

"I think it's absolute nonsense, rubbish, bullshit. Listen, we all get old, we all grow up, you know? At some point, as you start getting older, your balls don't work as well and you don't make as much testosterone, but, that's life and you deal with it. A guy that is 40-years old doesn't make as much testosterone as a 21-year old so he gets an exemption certificate to say, 'So now we will give him as much testosterone as a 21-year old.' Well, what about me, I'm 33 (years of age), I'm not making the same amount as a 21-year old, but I make more than a 40-year old. Where do we draw the line? It's nonsense. Listen, nature determines that and I don't think we should interfere with that. I think it's cheating very, very well, it's dressed up. Its nonsense, its absolute bullshit and I, for one, am very, very against it. I would never ever do that. I am who I am and I've done well doing what I do."

Thats a real fucking mans opinion there. Soak it up pussies.

HOLY CRAP!  I actually agree with something Bisping says.

RJJH -  search function.

I refuse.

This is how a REAL MAN trains - fuck the TRT, just eat a burrito.

michael ?@bisping

Ate a burrito bowl, no rice, nice coffee, watching a documentary about ayrton senna, nap then weights!

Yeah who needs TRT.....just knee your opponent in the face when they are on the ground Phone Post

Chimonos Revenge - 

Yeah who needs TRT.....just knee your opponent in the face when they are on the ground Phone Post

He was in the heat of the moment, and he was getting up anyway. Its a fight not a fucking ballet. He even apologised, which is more than I would have done to someone who had insulted my family.

Haha, every other fighter is "in the heat of the moment" during their fights, yet you don't see too many bashing their knees into the head of their downed opponent. "The heat of the moment" is not a valid excuse. Phone Post


Haha, every other fighter is "in the heat of the moment" during their fights, yet you don't see too many bashing their knees into the head of their downed opponent. "The heat of the moment" is not a valid excuse. Phone Post

This thread is not about fighters making perfectly understandable mistakes that break rules that are stupid to begin with. Its about fighters like Bisping who speak up about the REAL cheats, about the people that hide behind syringes, those people are cowards and don't deserve to fight someone of Mike's calibre.