Bisping vs Okami vs Cote

It looks like these fighters are the only real challengers to Silva's throne.

Of course, Cote lost his fight but was giving an unexpectedly tough fight to Silva. Maybe Silva was off that day but thus far, Cote had the best performance of any fighter against Silva. Okami has destroyed his competition thus far, but lost against Rich Franklin. Bisping is undefeated thus far at 185.

How do you see these 3 fighters facing off to determine the true challenger to Silva's title?

Thus far, you have used the word thus too much.

I kid.

People on this forum seem to be pretty high on Okami, but I think Bisping may have a legitimate chance, no matter how boring his fights tend to be.

Okami is the biggest threat. He would beat Bisping and Cote and has a legit shot at beating Anderson, imo.

 Okami fights Lister Dec 27....