Damn. I just read that UG news post. He looks like he just gained a ton of weight. He definitely looks like he likes beer and hotdogs from that picture they provided. I love me some Baby J (no homo) but what the hell is up with that picture? Is he coming back as LHW? Future 3 division champ!!
Maybe he's retired.
iGotMauledByRumblesJohnson - That picture is years oldI hope it is....

anal seepage - Maybe he's retired.I would hope that he is enjoying retirement, but putting on that much weight so quick can't be good.

He's a retired fighter, so you have to ask two questions:
1. Does he still have money?
2. Is the wife/gf hot?
If it is a yes to both questions, it's because he has eaten all of the fucks he had to give.
Is there a "beers and hotdogs" BJ Penn shirt yet?
GeeZ someone get on that
It was taken years ago in Japan...2005 I believe..
McNutt - Is there a "beers and hotdogs" BJ Penn shirt yet?
GeeZ someone get on that
Reebok will be selling it for $50, should be on their website in a few days
Beer and hotdogs
Loco mocos brah!
beer and hotdogs plus 2 diff weight ufc titles = chicken dinner
He's retired, who cares
Beer and Hotdogs - He's retired, who caresHow happy are you with that screen name. Now just add a coward and you have UG gold. Did you just change it or do you run @bjpenn.dotcom?

Beer and Hotdogs is the new Just Scrap motto.
clayclamitia -Thought about adding coward but I like beer and hotdogs by itself.Beer and Hotdogs - He's retired, who caresHow happy are you with that screen name. Now just add a coward and you have UG gold. Did you just change it or do you run @bjpenn.dotcom?

He's earned it
Where is the recent picture of him looking not so dissimilar...
he cut to 155 for decades. actually looks lighter than i would be after that lol.
Do u guys ever wish he came back one more time n jus KTFO out of someone. That last fight with frankie jus makes me sick lol
Motivated BJ - Do u guys ever wish he came back one more time n jus KTFO out of someone. That last fight with frankie jus makes me sick lolYup, that was a shell of a person that I refuse to believe was BJ. I just don't think his heart is in it and if it's not I don't want to see him in there anymore. Nothing would make me happier than to see BJ stomp someone and lick his gloves but my heart can't take another beating. Put him in the HOF and retire a healthy man.