Grumpy gorilla your entitled to your opinion but I believe that its bull! I believe that if you want to keep a fighter in the UFC so that your one time POSTER BOY can get his rematch then you need to give BJ a contract and fairly state it in the rules and regulations! Now your caught with your pants down cause you (DANA) thought that your POSTER BOY was going to knock the _____ outta BJ. OOOPPPS who lost? What do I do now? Oh, I know I make BJ llok like he's trying to duck HUGHES? BULL if he was trying to duck Hughes he would have never fought him in the first place!!!!!!!!

miller thinks he's

BJ didnt accomplish anything in 9 fights eh?

Well,let's just see about that...

First he wins his first 3 fights in MMA (all in the UFC including his debut...(how many today can say that!?), all by TKO in the first round.

The 2nd fight was against a top 3 guy and the 3rd was against a top 2 guy & former SHOOTO champion that he KO'd in a mere 17 seconds.

Then, in only his 4th pro fight, he fights for the title against a guy that has nearly 20 fights already under his belt. He almost wins by sub and then he takes the best the champ could dish out for the entire fight and gives as good as he got (Look at the post fight pics and then kiss my ass).

Then he wins two more fights in a row after his first loss.

Then he fights to a DRAW in what shoulda been a win, against the guy he already KO'd in 17 seconds before.

Then he fights another former SHOOTO champion and totally destroys him and is the first guy to ever sub him.

Then, in only his 9th pro fight, he fights the TOP TEN PFP fighter in the world for the welterweight title...and totally dominated from the opening bell.

Hmmmm, nah, he hasnt accomplished anything in 9 fights!

You eggheaded retard.

i agree miller is an eggheaded retard who knows nothing