BJ Penn out of retirement AGAIN

Lets not forget his last fight back was against Frankie..look what Frankie has done his last few fights..
I think bj can hang with most top 15 fws thats aren't named Frankie or Conor Phone Post 3.0

Response from Lentz

shogunhoohah - praise the son

UFC already seems stacked lately... with BJ and Jon coming back is a new golden age
^^ this! Phone Post 3.0

pennviachoke -
stillmatic - Response from Lentz
After exchanging unpleasantries over the last couple of months, retired UFC hall of famer B.J. Penn posted a message on his Instagram on Wednesday formally challenging Nik Lentz to a fight at UFC 197. The two have had bad blood going back to a lingering feud between Penn and his one-time nutritionist, Mike Dolce, whom Lentz had also used to help make weight at 145 pounds. Penn called out Lentz while doing a television appearance in the fall, but people weren't sure how serious he was at the time. And neither did Penn know that Lentz was no longer working with Dolce.

Lentz was insulted by the misguided call out, and penned a pair of poems directed at none other than the "Prodigy" himself.

As Penn expressed in his message — which came after another post of him standing with renowned coach Greg Jackson — he took umbrage to these poems, calling them "silly."

On Wednesday evening, "The Carny" responded to Penn's call out with the following message, which he sent to MMA Fighting.


I received your poorly-worded, utterly predictable, message. In spite of its clumsy structure, awful spelling, incorrect usage (you state at one point that I wrote a poem about you making fun of yourself), and general air of arrogance, entitled stupidity, I'm considering your request.

There are, of course, some conditions.

- I'm never competing at 145 ever again. Neither should you. I came to this conclusion after doing careful research, and deciding what was right for my long-term health as well as my short-term performance. If you fight at 145, it won't be long before you're eating banana mush in a nuthouse. I am accountable to my family, and my future with them. Because you are an impulsive tyrant surrounded by yes-men, you have no ability to make rational, intelligent decisions. So I am making this one for you. If we fight, it would be at 155.

- I'm not fighting in March. Neither are you. You may imagine you are, and the imbeciles you surround yourself with may nod in agreement like the trained dogs they are, but you aren't fighting in March. You've lied to your fans, and let them down over and over, and nobody is clamoring to put the BJ PENN EXCUSE FACTORY back in business. Were I to agree to fight you in March and whup your ass, it would only give you and your lackeys the "BJ didn't have enough time" bullshit excuse. Additionally, if we do fight, it will be on MY timetable, NOT yours. You are retired, and have no schedule. I am an active fighter, on the roster, with a schedule and training platform that is not beholden to your desires, grudges, or need for narcissistic supply.

- You still owe Mike Dolce $22,000. Knowing him, he is too gracious and dignified a man to revisit the traitorous back-stabbing skullduggery you engaged in with him after the third time Frankie Edgar kicked your ass inside-out. I, however, don't have the luxury of grace, and dignity is best left out of any exchange that includes you. You will donate $22,000 of your purse to the HAWAII DOG FOUNDATION, a no-kill, all-volunteer rescue organization working hard to rescue and rehabilitate dogs in Hawaii, in Mike Dolce's name.

Give these conditions some thought. They are non-negotiable. They are rules you WILL abide by, or you can go whistle. I have a contract, and plenty of guys to fight. As a Narcissist, you have nothing but an image. And you NEED attention. You have all the money you could ever spend; but it doesn't satisfy you. I have what you NEED. I'M in charge. You can do what narcissists usually do when confronted by a higher power; SLINK AWAY. Or you can confront your needs, realize I can fulfill them, and come to terms with me, looming over you, holding the....


I'm ALREADY in charge, you poor, deluded, fool. I did more to motivate you with TWO POEMS than all your yes-men, and titles, and highlights could.
Get as angry as you want. Go out behind your huge inherited estate and kick rocks. Go cry to your Mommy. Go shit in your hat and bark at the moon.
You want to fight?
Then it's on MY terms.

Now run along, little man. Go find a way to swallow your overarching pride and do it MY way, or scuttle about like a deformed crab at low tide, like a masochist at last call, desperately looking for somebody else to thrash you.

You can go to Greg Jackson's, you can go to Jermaine Jackson's, you can listen to Mahalia Jackson, you can resurrect Jackson fuckin' POLLOCK to paint you a better picture of yourself than the one we all see; but...

You're an unclaimed, busted-down suitcase on a dusty shelf in an abandoned bus-terminal. Accept my conditions, or rot in obscurity.

Nik Lentz
Your BOSS" Phone Post 3.0
Well then...

Shots. Fired. Phone Post 3.0

OP wiggle your wiener at your computer monitor for me

Lentz just killed him with that response :/ Phone Post 3.0

thaVANILLA Gorilla -
Dusty Suspect - At first I was like no not again... Then I see he's training at Jacksons, now I'm interested but trying not to get too excited I can't handle this again! Phone Post 3.0
My heart can only take so much. Phone Post 3.0
This. I don't want to see him crying during a post fight pressed again... I had feels I don't normally get. Phone Post 3.0

thaVANILLA Gorilla -
Dusty Suspect - At first I was like no not again... Then I see he's training at Jacksons, now I'm interested but trying not to get too excited I can't handle this again! Phone Post 3.0
My heart can only take so much. Phone Post 3.0
I'm with you mate! I just don't want to see him fighting the top of the crop like Edgar would love to see him have a few fun fights and hang them up.. Phone Post 3.0

pennviachoke -
stillmatic - Response from Lentz
After exchanging unpleasantries over the last couple of months, retired UFC hall of famer B.J. Penn posted a message on his Instagram on Wednesday formally challenging Nik Lentz to a fight at UFC 197. The two have had bad blood going back to a lingering feud between Penn and his one-time nutritionist, Mike Dolce, whom Lentz had also used to help make weight at 145 pounds. Penn called out Lentz while doing a television appearance in the fall, but people weren't sure how serious he was at the time. And neither did Penn know that Lentz was no longer working with Dolce.

Lentz was insulted by the misguided call out, and penned a pair of poems directed at none other than the "Prodigy" himself.

As Penn expressed in his message — which came after another post of him standing with renowned coach Greg Jackson — he took umbrage to these poems, calling them "silly."

On Wednesday evening, "The Carny" responded to Penn's call out with the following message, which he sent to MMA Fighting.


I received your poorly-worded, utterly predictable, message. In spite of its clumsy structure, awful spelling, incorrect usage (you state at one point that I wrote a poem about you making fun of yourself), and general air of arrogance, entitled stupidity, I'm considering your request.

There are, of course, some conditions.

- I'm never competing at 145 ever again. Neither should you. I came to this conclusion after doing careful research, and deciding what was right for my long-term health as well as my short-term performance. If you fight at 145, it won't be long before you're eating banana mush in a nuthouse. I am accountable to my family, and my future with them. Because you are an impulsive tyrant surrounded by yes-men, you have no ability to make rational, intelligent decisions. So I am making this one for you. If we fight, it would be at 155.

- I'm not fighting in March. Neither are you. You may imagine you are, and the imbeciles you surround yourself with may nod in agreement like the trained dogs they are, but you aren't fighting in March. You've lied to your fans, and let them down over and over, and nobody is clamoring to put the BJ PENN EXCUSE FACTORY back in business. Were I to agree to fight you in March and whup your ass, it would only give you and your lackeys the "BJ didn't have enough time" bullshit excuse. Additionally, if we do fight, it will be on MY timetable, NOT yours. You are retired, and have no schedule. I am an active fighter, on the roster, with a schedule and training platform that is not beholden to your desires, grudges, or need for narcissistic supply.

- You still owe Mike Dolce $22,000. Knowing him, he is too gracious and dignified a man to revisit the traitorous back-stabbing skullduggery you engaged in with him after the third time Frankie Edgar kicked your ass inside-out. I, however, don't have the luxury of grace, and dignity is best left out of any exchange that includes you. You will donate $22,000 of your purse to the HAWAII DOG FOUNDATION, a no-kill, all-volunteer rescue organization working hard to rescue and rehabilitate dogs in Hawaii, in Mike Dolce's name.

Give these conditions some thought. They are non-negotiable. They are rules you WILL abide by, or you can go whistle. I have a contract, and plenty of guys to fight. As a Narcissist, you have nothing but an image. And you NEED attention. You have all the money you could ever spend; but it doesn't satisfy you. I have what you NEED. I'M in charge. You can do what narcissists usually do when confronted by a higher power; SLINK AWAY. Or you can confront your needs, realize I can fulfill them, and come to terms with me, looming over you, holding the....


I'm ALREADY in charge, you poor, deluded, fool. I did more to motivate you with TWO POEMS than all your yes-men, and titles, and highlights could.
Get as angry as you want. Go out behind your huge inherited estate and kick rocks. Go cry to your Mommy. Go shit in your hat and bark at the moon.
You want to fight?
Then it's on MY terms.

Now run along, little man. Go find a way to swallow your overarching pride and do it MY way, or scuttle about like a deformed crab at low tide, like a masochist at last call, desperately looking for somebody else to thrash you.

You can go to Greg Jackson's, you can go to Jermaine Jackson's, you can listen to Mahalia Jackson, you can resurrect Jackson fuckin' POLLOCK to paint you a better picture of yourself than the one we all see; but...

You're an unclaimed, busted-down suitcase on a dusty shelf in an abandoned bus-terminal. Accept my conditions, or rot in obscurity.

Nik Lentz
Your BOSS" Phone Post 3.0
Holyyyyyyyy shit... Phone Post 3.0

Back a few months ago, Lentz was the one telling BJ to come to Vegas to fight him so he can retire him. Now, he's adding a bunch of stipulations.

Lentz comes off pretty lame though. Calling someone a has been doesn't have much merit when it comes from someone who never was anything themselves. The shit talking is amusing though and it helps build the fight up.

BJ should stay retired.

He probably sees what Conor is doing and wants in on the action. The gym change is a decade too late, BJ needs to stay retired and train as a hobby, nothing more.

Even if he does train with Jacksons, how long before he loses motivation and returns to Hawaii and surrounds himself with the same people doing the same thing?

make it a rap battle and I'd watch

disbeliever - Damn. That response is epic Phone Post 3.0

Maybe I'd call it clever. But epic? A crafty worded response from an average MMA fighter?

BJ PENN became the first American Gold medalist of the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship. In mixed martial arts, Penn has competed in the Featherweight, Lightweight, Welterweight, Middleweight, and Heavyweight divisions. As a former UFC Lightweight Champion and UFC Welterweight Champion, he is only the second fighter in UFC history to win titles in multiple weight classes... That's Epic.

To each his own I suppose.

thaVANILLA Gorilla - 
Dusty Suspect - At first I was like no not again... Then I see he's training at Jacksons, now I'm interested but trying not to get too excited I can't handle this again! Phone Post 3.0
My heart can only take so much. Phone Post 3.0


(gets TEAM PENN shirt ready)


why would Lentz fight somebody ranked below him?, he should call out a fighter above him, the goal is always to get the belt.

Lentz gave him the business Phone Post 3.0

OMA (tm) - He just called out Nick Lentz on Facebook

Asking for the fight in March

Stay down BJ.... STAY DOWN!!!!! Phone Post 3.0
I love BJ so much I read this post as BJ is a down ass motherfucker Hhahahaha Phone Post 3.0

A long winded No. Phone Post 3.0

BJ Penn Forever - Nobody tells BJ Penn to stay down!

Meat me behind the Tulsa Dairy Queen at midnight, bitch!
War BJ Phone Post 3.0