BJ vs GSP 3 (sort of)

Here is the scenario I would really like to see play out...

If BJ beats Edgar and GSP beats Hardy, have GSP defend against the winner of Kos vs Daley, and have BJ fight the winner of Fitch vs Alves 2, with the winners of those 2 fights facing each other for the belt... In the mean time, have the winner of Gomi vs Florian face Maynard for the next shot at BJ at 155.

What do you think UG?

 I think you are a rutard

:-( Really? No one likes this idea? I'd love to see BJ vs Fitch or Alves, and if he wins that fight, you couldn't deny that he is the #1 contender.

honestly i like it but seems like thatd be a long time id like to see bj fight him again and win..

but i think bj should rematch mat hughes
hughes vs penn 3 makes sense

seann123 - honestly i like it but seems like thatd be a long time id like to see bj fight him again and win..

Yes, God forbid Penn actually defeat a top WW contender first and actually earn a title shot. Penn would never beat Alves anyway, so this scenario would lead to GSP-Alves 2 down the road, which is fine, since Alves is the next best WW in the world.

bj would beat alves without a doubt..
better boxing
better graplling

seann123 - bj would beat alves without a doubt..
better boxing
better graplling

It would be an awesome fight! So would BJ vs Fitch IMO.

I really like the idea of BJ fighting Fitch or Alves.

No need for a rubber match when you lose the first two

matt hughes vs bj 3

seann123 - bj would beat alves without a doubt..
better boxing
better graplling

Problem is he can't take Alves down, and doesn't want to eat kicks or punches from Alves. Awful matchup for Penn. Fitch would be a guy Penn could perhaps beat.

bj is way better in every area than alves
he can kick to son you see deigos face!

thats what they said bout rampage an wandy

thats what they said bout rampage an wandy

BJ needs to do a hell of a lot more than beat one contender at WW before he gets another shot.

Should be at least 4 top wins considering he got his ass kicked worse than both Fitch and Alves did.

I would like to see BJ vs Hughes 3.. I think Bj wins it though. Am i the only one that thinks Hughes boxing is shitty..

hot bad

an then gsp would come an say

macbjj - 
seann123 - honestly i like it but seems like thatd be a long time id like to see bj fight him again and win..

dont get your hopes up. he quit in his corner, couldnt even go out on his sheild.

GSP went to the press conference and BJ went to the hospital.

Kind of like their first fight? Gsp went to the hospital and BJ went to Mcdonalds