BJ vs Karo

This seems like a fight that would make a lot of sense. And it would be a good fight for BJ for a first comeback fight in the UFC.

Assuming GSP gets the title shot over these two does Karo stand a chance against BJ?


IF karo can get him down he stands a good chance.

However BJ's striking and takedown defence is really good, if Karo comes out striking like he usually does he will get lit up and probably finished.

Feed BJ Sanchez imo.

i think bj's better but both guys took serra to a descision

"Feed BJ Sanchez imo."

Man I would love to see that.

BJ Penn will NOT lose.

I think this would be a great fight actually.

Penn will beat the hell out of Karo.


I think BJ would own him.

Is this like BJj vs. Judo?

"Karo has some of the worst takedowns in MMA.

He barely could take Diaz down, think about it."

What fight were you watching?

"However BJ's striking and takedown defence is really good"

  • Correct.

"If Karo comes out striking like he usually does he will get lit up and probably finished."

  • People said that when before Karo beat both Diaz and Lytle and took hardly a major strike from either. Of course, BJ is better than both but...

"i think bj's better but both guys took serra to a descision"

  • BJ barely got by Serra, if at all, while Karo was all over Serra with both GNP and subs but this isnt really the best measuring mark.

BJ would obviously be the favourite, thats all.

this would be a good match. i dont think it would be a snoozer at all

THe thing about Karo is he is just as big (if not bigger) as BJ and maybe even in much better shape. His takedowns are sick, but then again BJ is BJ, and that dude dont fuck around.


P.S. Hughes beats BJ in a rematch and Karo...