BJJ and Knees to the Face

Dream 8 Spoilers

I've only watched two fights from Dream 8 so far, Aoki vs. Mach and Alessio vs. Galvao, and in both fights, I was surprised at how much a guy on top can take advantage of an agressive guard game by using knees to the head. Aoki paid horribly and Alessio caught Galvao with a few before the armbar.

Are there examples of this happening in PRIDE against jiu jitsu phenoms (i.e., guys getting blasted with knees during sub attempts), or is this a consequence of guys just trying different guard games? I never really appreciated what a game changer knees-to-the-head are for guard games until Mach decimated Aoki.

Mach was too much for Aoki. I hope no one is surprised.

Getting stuck on the bottom after a failed takedown and using half-guard are problematic with knees on the ground.

So much for Aoki being the top LW, I always LOL @ that one.

any videos?

Baroquen Record - any videos?

There are a few where you'd expect to find them if you searched Dream 8 and the fighters' names.

Anytime someone is able to touch your face at resting with a knee, you are in trouble in those sorts of events.

Someone stacks you? Knee in the face.

Someone passes your guard? Knee in the face.

Someone gets north south? Knee in the face.

I've always thought it amusing that the myth is that knees on the ground would hurt wrestlers. It more hurts those who play off their back than anything else.

Kai Tremeche - Anytime someone is able to touch your face at resting with a knee, you are in trouble in those sorts of events.

Someone stacks you? Knee in the face.

Someone passes your guard? Knee in the face.

Someone gets north south? Knee in the face.

I've always thought it amusing that the myth is that knees on the ground would hurt wrestlers. It more hurts those who play off their back than anything else.
Good points. I think it'll hurt wrestlers that rely on shooting a lot, too. Greco guys that get takedowns from the clinch wouldn't be affected as much.


"So much for Aoki being the top LW, I always LOL @ that one. "

This wasn't a lightweight fight, genius. BJ is 0-3 in his last three fights at 170 and was stopped in two of those.

orcus - "So much for Aoki being the top LW, I always LOL @ that one. "

This wasn't a lightweight fight, genius. BJ is 0-3 in his last three fights at 170 and was stopped in two of those.
ttt for the truth........

orcus - "So much for Aoki being the top LW, I always LOL @ that one. "

This wasn't a lightweight fight, genius. BJ is 0-3 in his last three fights at 170 and was stopped in two of those.

Wasn't a WW fight either and BJ didn't get stopped in 30 seconds.

But he did cry and get his mother to come to court to complain.

 I'm just trying to imagine me getting stacked and someone dropping knees on me while doing so... lol

Shaolin won by knees from side control too.

Eric Collins -  I'm just trying to imagine me getting stacked and someone dropping knees on me while doing so... lol

Watch Dan Severn vs Oleg T.

orcus - "So much for Aoki being the top LW, I always LOL @ that one. "

This wasn't a lightweight fight, genius. BJ is 0-3 in his last three fights at 170 and was stopped in two of those.

Did I say it was a LW fight? and WTF does BJ Penn have to do with my comment? Clearly Aoki getting smashed in 25 seconds bothers you. Personally I enjoyed it, now we can move beyond the nonsensical talk of Aoki being the top LW BS. I guessed you missed all that talk huh?

"Did I say it was a LW fight?"

If it's not a LW fight, why does the loss make the idea of Aoki being #1 LW laughable?

" and WTF does BJ Penn have to do with my comment? "

Who is your pick for #1, if it's neither BJ nor Aoki? Aoki is the obvious pick based on actual lightweight accomplishemnts; many pick BJ based on their (inflated) estimation of his skills. Who else would you pick and why?

orcus - "Did I say it was a LW fight?"

If it's not a LW fight, why does the loss make the idea of Aoki being #1 LW laughable?

" and WTF does BJ Penn have to do with my comment? "

Who is your pick for #1, if it's neither BJ nor Aoki? Aoki is the obvious pick based on actual lightweight accomplishemnts; many pick BJ based on their (inflated) estimation of his skills. Who else would you pick and why?

BJ's probably the top LW right now, but he still has yet to solidify the #1 spot. Aoki may be one of the top BJJ LW's but that's pretty much all he has. I think he'd get killed in the UFC by a number of LW's. BJ, Sherk, Maynard, Florian, Diego, Edgar, Guida and Griffin would all beat him IMO. Even guys like Diaz would give Aoki fits. If you're the top dog that doesn't happen that often.

I love Aokis game and this fight does nothing to diminish him in my eyes. However, I think he's .500 at best against the top UFC lwts. I think fighing strong fighters with a good base, i.e. tyson griffin, gray maynard, of course bj, would be a real problem for him. I wish the UFC could sign him so we could find out for sure because I think his ground game is slick as hell and I would love to see it against a good UFC wrestler.

knees to the head help wrestlers..

Most people just think because a wrestler gets sprawled on, he could get ko'ed by knees..When the truth is more that when you bring your knees up on a wrestler you've sprawled on, you lose your sprawl and get taken down.

dipped in honey, rolled in glass!