BJJ Black Belt Owned by Aikido

fuckin LEGIT lol.

Uuugh. This shit kills me. Years of this kind of crap have brainwashed the masses discredited pretty all TMAs. I bet hat guys takes himself so seriously, he probably makes his wife call him " grandmaster". lol

Bootsy Collins - Whoever runs up to that guy to eagerly shake hands is fucked


joe bruce - this video is stupid, thats not a real fight or a real bjj black belt, who the fuck would just stand there and let dude run his moves on him? GTFO here with that shiznit

That video was funny, but not as funny as this post ^^

There is some sweet Aikido place by my office. I think I am gong to go sign up on my lunch break. That was allsome.

Anarkis2 - Aikido is good if your fighting an armed opponent and you get disarmed.

It's also good against ninjas and gypsies.

aikido is what saved ANderson Silva in his fight vs Chael Sonnon tho

is that Fred Ettish he's throwin around?

actually i think its kron with dyed hair

The Aikido guy looks like a witch or a sorcerer or something to that effect. Looks like he used some wizardry on the BJJ "fighter".

I would have loved to have seen his entrance into the building. I bet he was wearing one of those really tall wizard hats.