BJJ Drama, none of you can ever be a Gracie!

Gracie Sports kicks out/fires random students, another gym called Fit Club has an open door policy, so those kicked out students from Gracie Sports end up going to Fit Club.

Now Gracie Sports is sending them cringy letters lol.

For such a small state, Connecticut sure has a lot of Drama

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“There’s a local gym in the area of where I live that seems very cult like. They had sent a letter to the owner of my gym talking about how they are watching us and claiming that the owner of my gym is a fake black belt because he at one point trained with them but left and got his black belt elsewhere. We had received a small influx of new students a little while back that once trained with them. In the letter some students were named and also told that they would never be a real black belt. They had even tried to threaten gyms by pursuing legal action for “stealing students” which is quite weird. Students pay for there service and if they don’t like it they move on to somewhere they like more. It’s the same as if I like shopping at target then switch to Walmart… has anyone had stuff happen locally like this? Or is this gym just a super cult? Edit: The Gym in question is Gracie Sports Located in Connecticut.”

This type of gossip and drama is for teenage girls, old ladies and homosexuals


Or its to make people aware the weird cultshit going on in bjj?

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Deborah sounds like a cunt.

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At first I laughed when I saw it was from a “Deborah Gracie”. Then I remembered that it’s Marcio Stambowsky’s daughter, who – amazingly – just recently woke up from a 26 year long coma!

So, you really gotta forgive her… she literally still thinks it’s the 90s.