BJJ Gi for self defense?

My buddy and I are having a little debate if Gi is helpful in a self defense situation. He says not at all, I think it can be, if someone is wearing a hoodie/jacket etc it can be used to your advantage. Im not totally sold on this though, just wanted some of your feedback.

@shen ??

You can use gi chokes with t shirts. Just have to bunch them up first.
Jackets, hoodies etc work well.

I recommend doing a roll night in “normal” clothes. It’s interesting to see what does and doesn’t work.
Only down side: you end up with messed up bruises on necks. The collars in gi’s are made to help with that.


The MOST important reason to train at least a little bit in a gi is to learn how to break / counter grips when someone grabs your clothes.

That’s a real thing. If you don’t have anything in your head for that you can absolutely be ragdolled hockey-fight style. Neutralizing grips is not a hard skill-set to learn, but if you don’t know it, you’re at a disadvantage. If someone is a “pure” no gi guy and never experienced going against someone who is gripping their clothing… they are in for a surprise.

I’d say learning how to choke someone with their clothes is a distant second in importance.


That was my argument. Ive watched enough hockey to know grabbing someones shirt can change the game lol


To add to what Shen said, the gi you are wearing restricts your movement like most clothes do. Think of wearing jeans or a jacket. Even if someone isn’t using your clothes to control you, your movements are more restricted simply by the clothes you wear. For self defense purposes this is important.


Love live the Gi!


Let’s not forget about pants. Training gi involves pant grips.

Everyone wears pants.

Do you know what nobody wears on the street? Fight shorts and rash guards.


John Danaher says otherwise. Also, I always wear shorts…

I think its settled. Grappling shorts and a Gi


As Shen points out…gripping.

It is a weapon. I’ve used it on peoples uniform blouses, webgear, people in hoodies, jackets and t shirts. I can put a guy into the ground, the street, a wall or other obstacle, or just through something.

Of course one needs to develop the skill to do the same without a cloth grip, or other skills like using breakpoints to break an opponent’s posture to then put them where you want.

Another value of gripping and moving someone is striking…Like the way Couture, etc punched in a clinch, ora Muay Thai fghter can elbow, knee, etc.


Great point for sure

People still have this argument 30 years later?!?!?!!?

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This will never end. I love the debate. What are your thoughts ?

Watch some hockey fights.

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Wouldn’t you think a hockey jersey is tougher than a T-shirt?


I try not to get in many fights on the street wearing an Islanders’ Jersey. With that said realistically clothing will rarely or ever become an issue for self defense. The chances of the guy attacking you being formally trained is slim to none and street fights aren’t about who can leverage their opponents better or who has better cardio, but rather who gets beat to the punch first.

Nah, cardio is king.

Sport Mma GIF by UFC


My thoughts on the matter is…BJJ Gi training definitely transitions over for self defense. Having a basic understanding on lapel grips translates well to grabbing shirt, jackets, belts and pants. I can’t see how it’s an argument.

On the other hand, training in the GI is not necessary to become proficient in self defense but it is beneficial.

In my humble opinion.


Well said.


I loop choked the fuck out of a fat midget security guard at Bradlees once. Some people got ufc wins, high powered careers or maybe the kids they raised to be proud of.
All I got is the sound of little fattys gurgling.
So im allowed to bring it up.


Watching old gi mma like the lumax cup suggests to me that a great judo or bjj guy would have a hell of a chance in mma vs a top mma fighter in a gi.

Wish some new show would distinguish itself from the ufc by making them use gis.
The athletic commissions a wouldn’t allow it in America but in Russia they fight bears so I’m sure it’ll be fine,
They have combat sambo which is mma lite in a kurtka.
They are way harder to grab than gis tho so doesn’t factor in as much