BJJ in chicago

hey guys i want everyones opinion on the bjj schools in chicago...there are a few, but there is one i want to talk about in particular...i wont say the name just yet and i wont say why i want to talk about it, but plz go ahead and tell me about the schools/instructors you know of or train at and we will go from there...ready...GO!

There is a Carlson Gracie school I think.

"there are a few, but there is one i want to talk about in particular...i wont say the name just yet and i wont say why i want to talk about it, but plz..."

just lost all respect for this thread.

Iron Academy ,Sheridan Park we have some of the best fighters in the city training there. i am very interested in where this thread is going.

Marcovia, be straight forward my man.

Come clean bro