BJJ in Edmonton?

Can anyone recommend some good BJJ schools in Edmonton?

Cia Paulista has two locations 1 on the south side and 1 on the north.

Rodrigo Resende is the professor and has 2nd degree black belt in BJJ and a 3rd degree in Judo.

It is a great atmosphere and great place to train.

Check out the Facebook page - rodrigo Resende Cia Paulista Canada. His phone number is located there.

Good luck!! Phone Post

Arashi-Do has 3 locations in Edmonton.
North (st. albert) is run by bjj black belt Mike Yackulic. Also a karate black belt.
The south and west schools are run by brown belts Chris Bonde and Lane B.
All three have great atmospheres and have some excellent competitors. Very welcoming for new comers as well! Phone Post

Cardinal Sports Gym
Best BJJ in Edmonton

8309 Argyll road Phone Post

DrBoB - Cardinal Sports Gym<br>Best BJJ in Edmonton<br><br><br><br>8309 Argyll road <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

in your opinion

 I highly suggest you check out everyone of the gyms mentioned, to find the right fit for you. 

All the gyms are good it depends what you are looking for and if the atmosphere is right for you. 

Rocca BJJ

BJJ/Submission Grappling/Catch Wrestling

New Club 4904 - 87st

ironwilltraining -  I highly suggest you check out everyone of the gyms mentioned, to find the right fit for you. 
All the gyms are good it depends what you are looking for and if the atmosphere is right for you. 


Edmonton have plenty of great clubs to choose from, check'em all peeps! Phone Post

Rodrigo Munduruca - Edmonton have plenty of great clubs to choose from, check'em all peeps! Phone Post

!!! Phone Post