BJJ in Torino Italy...

i have found a place to possibly train while i am there (6 weeks) but woudl ike to hear if anyone knows of any place in teh area or gyms......


i leave in 5 days...any help?

Two more gyms for you if you are looking at BJJ:

the bjj torino roup is now out of the gym i posted.....the instructor is a frederico tisi purple or brown i believe...

i will contact teh second one...they have a FB page but i coudn't find a gym page....that gym database is way out of date...

well i had my first clas....i got gi technique needs sharpening...they have an outstanding facility and good people......i will be trying to pick up as much as i can over the next 5 weeks.......


attended 2 clases so gi technique sux balls.....but my sweating is championship level....