True names have been disguised
I started training back in 98 with Chris Brennan, already a black belt Chris was only training no-gi and teaching no-gi. I learned no-gi through Chris and learned solid basics.
A year after training with Chris, I relocated states due to work related obligations. In my new home, I hooked up with a Megaton Dias Affiliate.
The Megaton school got me into BJJ with the gi. Now I only train with the gi on. I studied BJJ under this affiliate and after 8 years of training I recieved a brown belt from Megaton himself.
During that time I competed as much as possible and won championships at the blue, purple and currently the brown belt level. I have submitted brown belts in regional competitions and lost by points to other high
level brown belts in Pan-ams and national tournaments. I have also competed in no-gi competitions and won many titles.
Many of the brown belts I have competed against (wins and losses) have received their black belts. I have lost close decisions to black belt in no-gi competition, but never beat one. Megaton has expressed interest in promoting to black belt, but I personally didn't feel ready.
My work situation has changed, and I recently moved back home and started training with Chris again. I continue to train with the gi with any available people. I have just won a brown belt and no-gi competition. Chris and I have been training with the gi, and he expressed interest in promoting me to black belt. Chris, though he hasn't trained with the gi in years is still at a high level with the gi on. He literally mops the mat with me despite not training gi in years.
If given the chance to test for black belt who did I chose?
Chris, who is a legit Black Belt hasn't trained for years with the gi on. I can personally train with him everyday and continue learning from a great teacher and competitor. But his gi credentials are little, and
doesn't have any gi black belts.
Open an affiliate under Megaton, whom I still talk to and have a great relationship with. But can only train personally with one or twice a year, during visits and seminars. Keep in mind that I received my blue, purple and brown belt from him. I would have to open my own school and assume the "teacher" position. I most likely will only get to train with my students
who would be white maybe eventually blue belts.
Again, true names and situation have been altered
What should I do?