BJ's OMG fight has to be...

My sources say it is either Dan Henderson or Gilbert Melendez.

Well I would poop my pants at either of those. Phone Post

No way its Henderson, I would like to see Melendez but BJ is preparing for a fight at 170 prob wont want to cut to 55.

Hendo...? No way that will happen. Gil maybe but I don't think that's likely either. Phone Post

Serra wouldn't make weight IMO. he is really big and of he did make weight it would drain him Phone Post

BJ vs. Nick once they find him?

They should just put all the pieces back where they found them. UFC is really fucking this card up Phone Post

I say it's Royce or Wand.

I think the "OMG" wasn't about who BJ would be fighting, but that it might be on the Fox card.

Dan Henderson or Ben Henderson?? Wth... Phone Post

It probably wasn't an awesome OMG like Melendez.It was probably a shitty OMG like Hughes or McDonald(I don't care what you say, It's way the fuck too soon for Rory to be fighting Penn).

Sean McCorkle Phone Post

BJ will fight anyone between 155 and 185 in my opinion. But I'm more worried IF he can fight with that big gash and all those stitches above his left eye.... Phone Post

 Serra's most likely over 200 lbs at the moment.

Poindexter -  Serra's most likely over 200 lbs at the moment.

he looked huge in the last picture I saw of him. No way it's Serra. Diaz/Rory/Fitch is probably the most likely if that makes any sense

 it has to be Gilbert, Aldo,Diaz, or Royce (i pray its not Royce) 

deljayson -
JesusTapped - BJ will fight anyone between 155 and 185 in my opinion. But I'm more worried IF he can fight with that big gash and all those stitches above his left eye.... Phone Post

Im wondering how you could type that with a wiener in each hand.... Phone Post

LOL!! Phone Post

It's gonna be Diaz or Cerrone IMO.

Sign Alvarez or Aoki and put them to work!

Lyoto rematch?