Let me bang bro
Anyone know what number BKFC this is? I have a few events to catch up on. I don’t see a number. Says it’s a Fight Night??
Lmao fitting he’s the main event
This is gonna be a real slobber knocker I mean titty knocker.
This is their second fight night card I believe. They have a knuckle mania card aswell and then 21 numbered events. The 22 coming November 6 I believe …or 3rd?
They should have put this fight on the Baremooseknuckle fighting championship card.
Thank you. Confused the shit out of me not seeing an event number
The odds on this card are very close on almost every fight. Good to see better matchmaking after that unfortunate death
In to watch after XMMA 3.
Let Me Bang Bro vs Caveman Rickles probably won’t start for a few hours
I fucking love BKFC. Never a boring night of fights. Last 2 events where all finishes.
Also its crazy how boxing doesnt translate that well to bare knuckle
main event is starting
Theyre going ham in the second round
Kanses fighters are what 1-6 tonight. Rickles needs to win to save some face for them