BLAF says they spend 20 million a year on fighter safety but

I wish that Whitman would make these more commercially available.

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The best there will ever be. And they allowed some fights that might have ended after 1 punch to turn into all time classics.

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Didn’t know that! Assuming eye poles have gone down?

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Change the shit metal music while we’re at it.

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Pride dealt with facial cuts by not allowing elbowing iirc.

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I hope they partner with a new glove maker when that deal is up, Century fucking sucks at making durable martial arts equipment.


UFC and Century have a weird relationship imo, at least to the general public. They’ve been creating the gloves for UFC for 15 years but you never see UFC promoting Century stuff. I guess all the replica training gloves and gear is their deal, along with money obviously, but UFC has missed the mark on gloves in almost every aspect. They were smart and created a new glove design for UFC 200 and 205 (graphic changes) but they only sold very limited production… leaving tons money on the table to this day. The UFC stuff that Century sells in stores is shit, horrible quality and cheesy gloves. thats why they sit on shelf’s at Dicks Sporting Goods then eventually make their way to Ross or Kohls

I haven’t seen much data to prove the theory one way or another, would he cool to see, but every fighter I’ve talked to that’s worn them in competition loves them. I have a pair and they are very comfortable. My personal favorite glove styles (besides Pride) are the Bellator Everlast powerlock and the Fairtex gloves they used in Strikeforce/IFL,

On Joe Rogan’s podcast a few years ago, I remember Trevor was saying UFC was interested in his gloves, but they wanted to buy his technology or something, meaning he would be cut out… but Trevor didn’t want to give up his product if he couldn’t stay on board. iirc.

Not sure “cut out” is the right language to use here. They tried to buy him out, offer him a ton of $, then be in control of the gloves they were using. I get Trevor wanting to own the technology and make money on an ongoing basis when the UFC keeps buying his gloves, but the UFC needs thousands of pairs a year and it doesn’t make sense for them to have someone else to be in control of the design.

Still no change in the UFC gloves.

Pro league indeed…

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Although have to say, you can’t seem to find these gloves by Whitman anywhere for sale either.

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Eagle FC uses that gloves i think


Can we get confirmation on that?

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So what does that 20 million a year cover?

Is that health insurance or actual gear?

animation film GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu

This is Bellator… almost a DECADE ago!



Every organization uses a curved gloves except for UFC that I can find. Like big promotions… not LFA and feeder leagues

Bellator (Leone powerlock, same as Everlast)
PFL (curved, made by Fuji)
KSW (Everlast powerlock)
ONE FC (Fairtex brand, like Strikeforce)


Pro leagues are always looking to upgrade their equipment to protect their athletes and give a better performance.

I guess the UFC ISN’T a pro league like they want you to think.

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