Bloodline Fight Club - Sand Springs, OK

Yes Nate, why are you not tearing someone's ass for fraudulently using your contact info on a business card?

NastyNate918 - ... that is something mohoney def does not have. he talks and has his 2 or three little okug groupies that TALK with him.

Haha, he called you guys my groupies.

Mahoney, I would of bought you a blue name if you were to use the famous UGism "come at me bro!" but you didn't!

Son I am disappoint!! Phone Post

Nate, if you didn't want anyone to find out you were a part of that gym then you shouldn't have let them put your name on the card. Phone Post

Also everyone on there should be fully prepared to receive late night calls from pimplimp, as well as wang bone pics from Mep. Phone Post

Oh yeah, they're fucked. I've been working on some new material. Ask Cris Powell or the guys from Savage Grappling or 5150 about me prank calling CB Dollowway from a hotel in El Reno after KOTC. I pranked T.C. Oneal too. He's a nice guy.

To ensure accuracy:

NastyNate918 - Not sure why im advertised on there. I have nothing to do with that place guys, you may now proceed with the hating and Nate bashing.

Thank you

NastyNate918 - once again pillbottle you are wrong, I have Never pitched a gym or demoed for any gym.
I do not teach at the moment and dont plan on it untill after school is over. You are amazing, you come on here and spread bullshit about me constantly. I never stole a dime from apollos. That is a complete bullshit fabrication. You just keep on running your mouth with mahoney and keep on being a 40 year old keyboard shittalker, not ONE of the accusations you are spreading are true. as a matter of a fact I challenge ANYONE from apollos to come on here and say that I stole any money from Dale. If it was true then they would have no problem saying it. The fact is that you guys are just gonna keep running your mouth no matter what because you have nothing better to do.

I also have this saved to a word document, just in case this thread "disappears".
NastyNate918 - I dont have a summary judgment against me. I dont know anything about this? and pillbottle I just sent a "get my name off your shit" email to bloodline

I almost forgot about this gem. You know this can be admitted in court, shithead?

NastyNate918 - I was employed by apollos yes. I was also Sub- contracted by the xfl to obtain sponsorships and a few other things. there is a difference in a w2 and a 10-99. And the answer is yes, I was given a sponsorship buy super cuts that was completely separate from their sponsorship with the XFL. Supercuts sponsored EVERY show that XFL did during my employment with apollos. I am still in contact with super cuts and in no way is that company dis satisfied with me. They are no longer sponsors of the XFL due to reasons that I will not discuss cause to be honest I have no intention in carrying on battles with anyone. I have made mistakes and have learned from them. I dont have the want to constantly fight with everyone over things that are MY business in the first place. I wish Dale and the XFL all the best and if there are any hard feelings on that end I apologize. For all of you who continue to bash me for whatever reason, if I have done something to you then I apologize. There is not one person who knows me personally who has come on here to say a bad word about me. In my time in tulsa I have trained some really good competitive fighters and made some good friends. For all of you that have bad things to say about me, mike,shibby,and you other 2. Not one of you know me personally. I will simply end this by saying, If I have offended any of you then i am sorry, however there is no need to make up fabricated stories about me( i get in enough trouble on my own)


 Link to a bigger pic in case you can't read that one. It clearly lists Nathan Orand under "employers"... maybe it's a different Nathan Orand?

whatever guys,
I guess you will all just have to dojo storm and see if im there. Lol I dont teach there.

I think I'm about to ask them myself. Nate, how will your new business partners feel about you denouncing them on a public forum?

Im not denouncing anyone. I like james and ernie they are both good guys. Im simply stating a fact, I have not and do not teach at bloodline fight club. I was asked to but I do not. I am attending school right now and dont have the extra time

This is what I know. Ernie West is in the Army reserve. He was with Nate when Nate was MFS. Last weekend Ernie was handing out business cards at the reserve center during their DRILL period pushing for clients to their facility.

Ernie thinks that he can go down to Dallas and get accredited through Carlos Machado. What Ernie does not know is the whole story on why Nate can no longer teach Machado Jiu-Jitsu.

I am assuming that Nate is collecting unemployment and that if his name is on a business card it could really screw him with an unemployment check. No idea how all that works. I'm self-employed bitches!!!

I can't help but notice you keep saying you don't teach there because you're in school right now, yet I have not once heard you deny having part ownership in the business. Phone Post

The address to their gym is Red Cloud's old gym's address in Sand Springs which borders Tulsa.

I do not have any ownership in the gym.

Well, there you have it folks. Nothing to see here ;) Phone Post

 Oh? Nothing to see here? I guess I'll just move along then.

Wooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Phone Post