Bloodline Fight Club - Sand Springs, OK

But yes, you pretty much summed up a dojo storm, definitely kung fu style, from the slums of Shaolin, Wu-Tang Clan strikes again......

Defamation of character would be a pretty tough one to pull off given that Nate has put so much effort into showing everyone what a sleazeball he is. Still waiting on a simple yes or no to my question, Nathan. Phone Post

I was employed by apollos yes. I was also Sub- contracted by the xfl to obtain sponsorships and a few other things. there is a difference in a w2 and a 10-99. And the answer is yes, I was given a sponsorship buy super cuts that was completely separate from their sponsorship with the XFL. Supercuts sponsored EVERY show that XFL did during my employment with apollos. I am still in contact with super cuts and in no way is that company dis satisfied with me. They are no longer sponsors of the XFL due to reasons that I will not discuss cause to be honest I have no intention in carrying on battles with anyone. I have made mistakes and have learned from them. I dont have the want to constantly fight with everyone over things that are MY business in the first place. I wish Dale and the XFL all the best and if there are any hard feelings on that end I apologize. For all of you who continue to bash me for whatever reason, if I have done something to you then I apologize. There is not one person who knows me personally who has come on here to say a bad word about me. In my time in tulsa I have trained some really good competitive fighters and made some good friends. For all of you that have bad things to say about me, mike,shibby,and you other 2. Not one of you know me personally. I will simply end this by saying, If I have offended any of you then i am sorry, however there is no need to make up fabricated stories about me( i get in enough trouble on my own)!/profile.php?id=100001712096129&sk=wall

Nathan Orand is a friend. Coincidence?

and Mahoney your full of shit.. I didnt text you anything

Now was DAC aware of such agreement? I mean, you are acting as an agent for XFL and Apollo's Martial Arts, so technically, any deals you cut with Supercuts, DAC gets a majority share of.

Nathan, I have a feeling you are about to feel the long dick of DAC's legal team. Bring lube.

So why did you send me the name and phone number of an attorney? Who the hell is Gabe Lowe?

I also got a good sponsorship for 5150 from supercuts and 2 other companies while I was employed at apollos, will I get sued for that as well mahoney?

How many companies have you fucked over exactly? My count is 4.....well five including MFS Elite Skiatook.....

you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. I solely owned mfs skiatook.

Sober BryanO owns a business and is one of less than 50 people in the world to have a full global media credential with the UFC and Strikeforce. I just don't get the dojo storm thing. If I get mad enough at someone, I just hit them. Like I would have no second thoughts at knocking the shit out of redcloud because he falsely associates himself with my instructors and then dogs them when he gets a cease and desist. If anything I pity the guy- it would be like beating up a tard. What's the fun in that? Phone Post

"The Road to Strikeforce" lol. Wasn't that the title of your Supercuts proposal? And what did they get for their $10k? "My eye, my eye!" Phone Post

these people only TALK shit, they have never and will never "dojo storm" anything.
That would require balls. that is something mohoney def does not have. he talks and has his 2 or three little okug groupies that TALK with him.

What? dont have a clue what ur talkin bout man.

But I digress, as this thread is about Bloodline... So can you explain how your name and number ended up on that card? I would be quite outraged if someone did that without my knowledge. Phone Post

you are WAY off my fren

I think the majority of the issues is with these gyms and instructors that make outlandish claims (ie redclown) associating themselves with people that worked hard to get where they are. I dont claim to be a bjj instructor cause I'm not. I don't tell XYZ fighter that I'd destroy them in the ring/cage because that was never my thing. Conversely I don't get too many 'pro' fighters willing to step up on the street cause that isn't their thing. My ultimate point is if all you people acted more like me, the world would be a better place. Discuss... Phone Post

Then why do you have a summary judgment against you on behalf of the Aguila mom for $3,783.95?

Bryan, yes, that is pretty cool. You should still KO Redcloud, you sound like you have enough pull to get off scot free. Just don't like Nicholson punch him.

NastyNate918 - Greg,
That would require balls. that is something mohoney def does not have. he talks and has his 2 or three little okug groupies that TALK with him.

Thats why you try to act cool with me whenever I see you, huh? I know getting beat down by a cripple would degrade the reputation of most fighters, but you suck anyway so you should totally come after me next time you see me. You have nothing to lose, you're a joke either way.

I dont have a summary judgment against me. I dont know anything about this? and pillbottle I just sent a "get my name off your shit" email to bloodline