Bloodline Fight Club - Sand Springs, OK

You and your fake ass purple belt are about to get shit on.

Now that you have a job, will you be paying DAC back the sponsorship money you stole?

NastyNate918 - Not sure why im advertised on there. I have nothing to do with that place guys, you may now proceed with the hating and Nate bashing.

Thank you


PimpLimp - Now that you have a job, will you be paying DAC back the sponsorship money you stole?

no, he plans on stealing from these people to

Well, that would be pretty nasty of him.

OH, I get it now! He is "Nasty" Nate because he is a nasty, fucking little thief!

no he is nasty after that nasty 7 second ko(that he was on the wrong end of)

Just curious, what is the point of a dojo storm? Phone Post


Mahomie - pleas speel my last name properly moving forward. Thanks. Phone Post

Don't get short with me, Jamo.

Greg Southworth - Just curious, what is the point of a dojo storm? <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Because we do coke and run trains on bar skanks afterward?

Fulltime - Ernie west is the biggest joke ever <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I guess that explains Nate's hiring. lolz

Lol @ Nate claiming those other guys just put his name and number on that card. I know for a fact he was present while trying to pitch the gym in a demo to a bunch of grunts. Nate, I wonder if this is going to affect your unemployment case you filed against Apollos? Phone Post

And the plot thickens......unemployment fraud?

Lol@"don't get short with me". Well played 10. Phone Post

once again pillbottle you are wrong, I have Never pitched a gym or demoed for any gym.
I do not teach at the moment and dont plan on it untill after school is over. You are amazing, you come on here and spread bullshit about me constantly. I never stole a dime from apollos. That is a complete bullshit fabrication. You just keep on running your mouth with mahoney and keep on being a 40 year old keyboard shittalker, not ONE of the accusations you are spreading are true. as a matter of a fact I challenge ANYONE from apollos to come on here and say that I stole any money from Dale. If it was true then they would have no problem saying it. The fact is that you guys are just gonna keep running your mouth no matter what because you have nothing better to do.

I didn't print that business card, Nate. I don't even know your phone # to put it on there. And just because you don't consider what you did stealing doesn't mean it isn't. Here's a simple yes or no question to clear it up: While you were employed by Apollos, did you receive money from Supercuts that went toward your own personal finical gain? Phone Post

Nate just sent me a text message saying he was going to sue me for defamation. What a fag.

Mahonkey that was SO 5 years ago. Just saying, you guys always talk each other in to a frenzy about dojo storms and never do it. ^what would you do when you got there? Fight them Kung Fu gang style? Tell them their gym is awful? I'm just having a tough time seeing the point. If you want to punch somebody, why not just walk up and hit them? Phone Post

I don't like sober BryanO.
sad panda