Bloodline Fight Club - Sand Springs, OK

Katana is Louie. Don't know who Soze is but I'm starting to like him. Phone Post

 I thought he was Mahoney and he was just sitting there logging in and out to talk to himself all day.

Knew it all along!! Thanks pill, giving me up!! Mep!! You cyborg Internet jerking off ass!! Wanna buy some Sheila naked pics?? $$$$??? And pill, no names please, I'm on a mission!! You are fucking up my best work yet 2- come!! I'm really Nate!!! That's it.. Phone Post

 Depends, how naked and how much?

Zilla2000 - What happened to the three schools he was running in Kansas? We were chatting on Facebook a month or so ago and he personally told me he could not call me to explain his side of all this because he was teaching a class at one of his schools in Kansas in a few minutes. I never did get a phone call.

Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt Nate but you make it VERY difficult.
Probably just another of his many lies. I think Nasty Nate has surpassed the Razor for title of Tulsa's biggest liar. 


Any update? Has this place bred a world champion yet? Phone Post

I heard he was teaming up with the Hazmat guy to start an MFS Elite-Grove branch.