this guy needs his own show on ESPN for real
I saw this before.. funny how nick "liked" it
guy comes off as a complete tool bag, but I like his sentiment.
I died laughing when he took a bite of the banana
he's right about the mma community being impulse driven emotional spaz prone NOW NOW NOW myspace/napster generation soulless idiots
This guy is a tool.
His twitter feed consists of 3 things:
1. Hating on Zuffa and every Zuffa signed fighter, like a Zombie.(something he criticizes others for doing for Zuffa, he is the exact opposite side of the same coin)
2. Telling Gianna Michaels he wants to fuck her
3. Calling everyone that disagrees with him a faggot, a pussy, a zombie, etc etc etc.
I know his entire personna is a giant troll, but he is a serious tool.
He pisses me off so much. i'm pissed about the Diaz/GSP fight being off, but this is a sport and you have to be professional, and the way he talks about trolls and people on the internet when he is the biggest troll on the internet.
He shit himself from Dana when Dana offer to bring him to a fight too slap him, but talks tough about him being blocked.
I actually agree with him about Overeem being the best heavy weight but i wish he would give Brock some credit for getting in there with Overeem after this long lay off.
P.S. That hat is disgusting. Nearly as bad as smoking the unlit cigars.
What. A. Complete. And. Utter. Moron. I feel like sticking a fork in my eye for watching that shit.
Bloodstain is talking hard truth
He complains about the MMA community, when he is the biggest jack-wad in the entire MMA/Twitter universe.
wow that dude is hella homo
I think his complaint is that the MMA community is populated with people who turn on you if the wind changes direction. People who enjoy typing exaggerated insults and so on.
1ChromosomeTooMany -I think his complaint is that the MMA community is populated with people who turn on you if the wind changes direction. People who enjoy typing exaggerated insults and so on.
It is.
And BSL is absolutely no different, except for the fact that at least he is a consistent exaggerating insult douche.
This is the guy that said he wasn't watching Lytle/Hardy because he wasnt a fan of Lytle, he was a fan of FIGHTERS.
Does that sound like an educated mma fan to you? Hell no.
it would be nice if he stopped swearing at me.
I think Bloodstain would do really well on the Bassmaster tournament circuit
I guess BSL forgot that he's part of the MMA community, making him "worse than pedophiles" just like the rest of us. Frigging douchebag.
I could not even make it past the first minute of this cock faggot.
I totally dont understand why anyone cares what that kid thinks.
I cant believe he has a legion of mouth breathers that think this guy is the shit.
Its like being a fan of Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black.
All ridiculous and painful on the ears.
I didn't watch this video but I am sure like his 5000 other videos he refers to some snack he's eating. Why does this homo jackass think he's cool for eating ice cream or whatever?