Bobby Green vs. Pat Healy

Huge win for Green... and on short notice. 

30-27 to Green seemed right to me. Healy got absolutely pelted with solid jabs throughout the fight.

tonytr - 30-27? Fucking bullshit.
Right?!? I had it 29-28 Healy. Just because somebody moves a lot and taunts does not mean they are winning the round. Phone Post 3.0

Yea I had 30-27 Green even though I bet on Healy.

govols6911 - 
tonytr - 30-27? Fucking bullshit.
Right?!? I had it 29-28 Healy. Just because somebody moves a lot and taunts does not mean they are winning the round. Phone Post 3.0

he landed some very powerful shots on the feet. healy is very tough but that was 2-1 green, i dunno about 30-27 i don't agree with that but i agree with the decision.. Green by unanimous.

Well at least the win was a clean one Phone Post 3.0

Shots landing standing up count but shots landing on the ground don't? Healy did better in the grappling and landed enough shots standing up to win that fight.

tonytr - Shots landing standing up count but shots landing on the ground don't? Healy did better in the grappling and landed enough shots standing up to win that fight.

obviously not.

Card - 

looks like I'm not the only one haha

1st and 3rd round were Green

christ guys what fight are you guys watching that think Healy won??what did healy do in the first 2 rounds besides just eat a ton of punches??he scored 1-2 takedowns but wasnt able to do anything with them as green easily stood right back up..u guys must train with him because everyone at my place doesnt even think it was close, all favoring Green..

Shots landing standing up count but shots landing on the ground don't? Healy did better in the grappling and landed enough shots standing up to win that fight.

That wasn't a close fight to me. Bobby clearly won rounds one and two. I also could see round three being given to him also Phone Post 3.0

lol yeah all Green did was run away and land light shots on healy first 2 rounds..damn guys, look at Healys face, Green busted him up!!

takedowns should not matter at all if you dont do anything with them..Healy couldnt mount any offense on green from a grappling standpoint..

Green may have gotten a good win, but he looked like a complete dick doing it. So war Bobby Green's opponents from now on.....

Bry, you have to consider skin type. Anyway, Green won but I feel that anyone taunting should be very seriously injured somehow after the fight.

i agree, taunting in mma is just adds absolutely nothing to the fight and there is just no need for it..

Bry Bry - i agree, taunting in mma is just adds absolutely nothing to the fight and there is just no need for it..

where's the GIF of rory mac trying to do the Ali shuffle hahaha

That was so lame