Bobby Razak Superbowl commercial can save lives

This Super Bowl weekend will include a lot of parties; don’t let driving impaired ruin yours. Please check out this video and share it to help save lives. And be sure to look for the Save Mo Lives commercial during Super Bowl 51.

Thank you to Liam’s parents, Marcus Kowal and Mishel Eder for sharing their story. You can learn more about the family and their foundation at Extraordinary appreciation and respect goes as well to producer and director Bobby Razak.

Given Razak’s long collaboration with TapouT founder Mask, and the latter’s death due to a collision with a drunk driver, this effort is, truly, an inspired labor of love.

Thanks for the support :)

Respect and love

The strength to turn such a tragedy into something positive that could save other peoples lives is truly an inspiration.

Damn. That hit me hard. 

Can we get a mod to sticky this?

Damn right in the feels