Boneyard Christmas

Any of you local retards that want to come party with us, we will be at Funway Cafe Rt. 1 North in Foxboro @ 7pm this Saturday 12/17. Funway is located just North of the Stadium on the same side. Rt 1 exits are on 95 and 495.

Everyone is invited. Wear your adult diapers.

lol at Ray fitting more than one of the heafty chicks he bangs in a minivan.

I am in Chicago or would be there for sure.


We might come up. Can Dom dress as an elf?


Come join Mike Littlefield as he pounds Shirley Temples.

When you say that, do you mean the drink, or drag queens singing "On The Good Ship Lollipop?"

"When you say that, do you mean the drink, or drag queens singing "On The Good Ship Lollipop?" "

One of the best quotes I've ever seen!

Snow will come dressed up as Shirly temple for sure.(if Gilrein will let him borrow the outfit)

John, all Dom needs is a green hat to finish the elf look. UUUUHHHHHH!

Gilrein in 3-2-1...

Snow, I grounded Gilrein. He's not allowed to use the computer today. I caught him looking at a male model website. He said he was just curious...


Again???? If the kid trained as hard at mma as he did at oggling male schlong he would be a champion!


I would go just to ogle Bobby's fan club.

tonight fuckers

Ohh Im sorry, are mike and chris talking smack again? I would have responded earlier but I have better things to do than TROLL....You fucking silly ass cum slurping monkey fucks. LOL snowball.......Im gonna get you drunk tonight and hand you over to santos. Mike........Im just gonna punch you in public.

Driscoll that was beautiful. I have nothing to add now.

well THAT was fun.

Thanks, Bobby.