
Army of doom. Hunt the killer. Phone Post


Somewhere in time a vicious warlord is missing. Mark Hunt is a time traveling man destroyer

Could you imagine being in there with him?

"where is my bat?!"

"Sorry no bat's allowed in the Octagon"


LOL at his corner in the background go from "Fuck YEA" to "WTF ARE YOU DOING??!?!!"

lol and yep!^ (me 2!)

I don't remember the name of the guy hunt fought in that last gif but it was a hell of a fight. They were trading the whole fight taking shots with hands down each guy not really giving a fuck. Phone Post

well rounded poster -
Knightsofthefirekingdom - I don't remember the name of the guy hunt fought in that last gif but it was a hell of a fight. They were trading the whole fight taking shots with hands down each guy not really giving a fuck. Phone Post

Ray Sefo. Just three crazy, crazy rounds. If anyone hasn't watched it, they need to. Right now Phone Post

For real! I think I watched it 3 or 4 times the day I found it. It's easy to find on the youtubes Phone Post

Lol at that last gif... You know you're FUCKED when you punch a guy in the face a couple times and he just drops his hands and is like, "Is that it? That all ya got?"

Check please...

You took the exact GIFs I posted in my thread 2 days ago and in the exact same order. Terd burglar:


You know what this reminds me of?

It reminds me of this