Boris - the mythical Danaher black belt


Shy and I follow each other on Instagram. He met me at a tournament once and almost certainly does not remember me. Been following each other since then, like 2021 or maybe 22.

Yesterday he randomly DM’d me to tell me my nickname was cool. It made my whole damn week lol.

What a cool dude. Remembered this thread and figured I’d bump lol.

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Yeah he and I are cool on IG too lol. In fact he made a video for me showing how he likes to escape knee on belly directly into a heel hook. As stupid and fake as this sounds, I also am the one who got him to contact BJJFanatics to do an instructional for them.

Cool story, but is he in your DMs?

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Yes he slid in there.

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Shy is for real a super nice guy, even if he acts like a convict 99% of the time. Lol


That dude LOVES dogs and other animals but has talked about how people have betrayed him. He’s obviously a good dude, even though he’s a savage. :rofl:

I saw Sha make a visitor think he was going to rape him in the locker room. He obviously wasn’t but it was hilarious. The dude was terrified.

I’ve also seen him yell at guys that sucked “Put your gi back on. No more Mondays for you. Get the fuck out of here”. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: