Boycott the next UFC?

Should we boycott the next UFC by not buying their Pay per view... to show them that we're unhappy with them not getting Fedor? We'll just do it this one show them we're not happy...okay...I'm probably going to watch it for free at some sports bar instead...:)

Sunrei - Should we boycott the next UFC by not buying their Pay per view... to show them that we're unhappy with them not getting Fedor? We'll just do it this one show them we're not happy...okay...I'm probably going to watch it for free at some sports bar instead...:)

are just getting back from the jungle or something....?

Have been camping for like 3 weeks, and know nothing..?

Where should I start? I mean, you know ufc bought pride right???

sorry, i just cant tell how long you have been in some cave... or did someone kidnap you?



This is not right!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooo blazed right now!!

you're not supposed to keep it there any longer than 6 seconds


Um, no.

 Fan fucking tastic!!!!!!

Unicorns should mean automatic ban!