Braulio Estima

I follow sport JiuJitsu almost as much as MMA and I was wondering if anyone else feels Braulio Estima could transition well into MMA. Although Roger is on top right now in BJJ, I think Braulio has a better future in MMA because I feel his athletic ability is higher. Anyways if you haven't seen any of his BJJ matches check them out especially this years Abu Dhabi.

guys a beast with a cool name

I always remember when Braulio first came to the uk at the beginning of 03, I went down to Birmingham to train and he spoke a little English but not much, still he was a very good teacher and very enthusiastic, I was a purple belt and had trained for like 6 years back then and Braulio was a Brown belt, when we rolled it was like a whole new world of bjj I had been exposed to, I got completely smashed it was great.
I learnt alot that day, basically about hard work and how it will pay off if you persevere.
Braulio has persevered for along time and it is good to see him getting the recognition now.
When Braulio goes to MMA I am sure he will do very well.

i feel he will do alright imo


 I trained with him in Brum some years ago... we all knew he would be one of the best in the world at BJJ... guy is amazing...... and slightly fucking mad too

Great teacher and great guy

It depends on how good his stand-up is. He already had it covered on the ground. If he has a good chin/stand-up, he would be good in MMA.