Bravo's Online Dating Thread

They are nuking the old OG??

Then guess this will be the new Online Dating thread

If you have questions or need help, post below and I will do my best to help my OG brothers get some P.

Here is a link to the OG training video that is dated but still has tons of great advice=


Lol IN the last one was fun

We should have a cold approach challenge

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That would be fun

Going direct, balls to the wall, seeing what you can make happen.

But really, the first homework assignment I give new guys is 20 cold approaches a week.

Cant just be a lame convo, has to be a real attempt at getting a girl

Statement of Intent
-making sure she knows it’s a man/woman thing and what your intentions are.

1 guy on my discord FINALLY started doing that, and in 3 weeks, got laid and got another date with a 2nd girl

I am in if there are any takers

Everyone moved over here fellas, come join