Brawl for it All? Leland Chapman?

Is this card still actually happening? Didn't Nick say he never heard of this event?

October 20, 2007
Cow Palace in San Francisco CA
Pay Per View

Brawl for it all features some well known names including Nick Diaz, Jeff Monson, Brad Imes, Crazy Horse Bennett, Gabe Ruediger (TUF Outcast) and Mia St. John.

A strange side note, in a recent interview on the Jordan Breen show, Nick Diaz denied even knowing that he was fighting on this card.

Another interesting note, Leland Chapman reality star and son of "DOG the Bounty Hunter" will be making his debut on BRAWL. Expect to see DOG as well as other cast members at the show.

Fight Card
Jeff Monson vs. Chris Marez
Nick Diaz vs. Mark Moreno
Ruben Villareal vs. Brad Imes
Charles Bennett vs. Jake Hattan
Matt Major vs. Marcus Gaines
Gabe Rivas vs. Gabe Ruediger
Bo Cantrell vs. Bryan Pardoe
Leland Chapman vs. Eric Jacob
Damacio Page vs. Javier Vazquez
Shawn Klarcyk vs. TBA
Aaron Carvalho vs. TBA
Mia St. John vs. TBA



no one knows?