Breaker! Breaker! (1977) Trailer...bald faced chuck norris

perfect on a sleepless night


Sick combo 40 seconds in.

lol. Think I remember seeing that on cable as a kid. It was not good.

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Damn, i havent thought about this movoe since the 80’s.

I remember this one ran on HBO too. Nothing really compared to the Bruce Lee movies.

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well its time to watch it again

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Chuck’s best fight move is in “Silent Rage” in the biker bar when the guy swings on him with the pool cue.

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This was always on tbs after nwa/wcw saturday wrestling .same space filled with shows like Renegade and highlander the series

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His birth certificate said Carlos.

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classic scene…

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yeah, the spinning kick and the flying side kick were tremendous.

“Nobody called the PO-LICE? You must be a mirage!”

I always remember that line. I got Forced Vengeance a while ago. Liked it as a kid. Kind of hesitant to watch it as a grown man, it might suck and ruin the nostalgia.

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I caught part of “An Eye for an Eye” on TV one night a few weeks ago and was surprised to find I didn’t think it was stupid despite being early-‘80s cheesy. Funny thing was that it was on Grit, accidentally shown in the place of an old western with the same title.

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Is Silent Rage the one with the “Karate Killer”?

The flying sidekick through the window in Good Guys Wear Black was my favorite.

Silent Rage is the one where the axe murderer is brought back to life.

Really showcased the action jeans in that scene. The flex panel was critical.

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Here you go. Blast from the past.


Nice. Some guy here that I can’t remember would get legit pissed off about denim that stretched. He’d go off about it. lol

“All these new bullshit stylish jeans that have stretch, that ain’t real denim! That crap will wear out way faster than my legit, REAL denim jeans! I’ve had the same jeans for 30 years, still tough as leather! I see faggots wearing their fancy new bullshit stretch jeans and I just laugh in their faces!”

Like, dude calm down. It’s just pants.