Brett Channels Mercer to Embarass White Knight

Mercer did it twice.

When nobody gave him a chance against the highly touted white hope Tommy Morrison. Ray knocked him out so hard. Tommy got aids.

Then when nobody gave him a chance against the greatest UFC HW Champion of all time, Tim Sylvia(You can hate, but you can't refute). Ray knocked him out so hard. Tim's in a wheelchair.

You will all bare witness when the cherry picking overhyped Aryan King gets brutalized in humiliating fashion. I wouldn't be surprised Fedor gets rolled out in this one.

Save up some dollars for when the ridiculous lines come out. Bet on black.

can't hate on the player trying to pay for the house!

Yeah we'll see. I didn't think about race and the fight before this. Now I just want Fedor to destroy him just because of what you said ;0)

Don't get your hopes up hombre.

i am very excited for some good money lines on that mr T look a like!!!! this is mma anything is possible