Brett Rogers: "I would've tore Kimbo down in 1!"




Kimbo don't want none of this could see the fear in his eyes at the press conference...that's why he had to have his whole damn entourage jump in and try to defend him.

I'm on the Rogers bandwagon now....with his goofy two-step, brohawk and all.


On his fight...

"He was getting sloppy with the hands, you know? Every time you do that sloppy thing, it’s always going to be the first one who catches the other one. Every time you do that hook, hook, I’m going to try and throw an uppercut or something. It was just a matter of time. I felt him, especially when we were tumbling against the fence. When you tumbling against the fence, you going to give a little pressure or something. He could’ve done stuff to me that he didn’t do and I was like, “Man, either he don’t have this background or he ain’t trying to fight.” I knew I was going to catch him."

On Kimbo vs. Thompson...

"Man, when I watch that fight again man, I see the same shit I saw the first time. Don’t get me wrong, Kimbo entertainment-wise, he does his thing. I can’t knock that, but looking at it as fighter to fighter, me being on the same shows as him, it’s like I could’ve been…if I was Thompson, aw man! If I was Thompson, I would’ve tore him down in 1 man. It would’ve been a 1st round again. I done said that I don’t know how many times, but it would’ve been the 1st round situation again. Obviously, he ain’t got no wrestling background."

More on Kimbo...

"I’m shocked that he’s not expecting someone to call him out. I’m not the only heavyweight that feels this way so he better check that too. It’s a lot of hype around the guy and it’s guys that feel like they’re being pushed to the side..."

On Carano vs. Young...

"Aw man, much respect to the women. It’s not every day where you could see two models going at it. You look at them in the street and it would be like, “Ya’ll some fighters?” They put on a show too. I know my girl Kaitlin got her eye blasted or whatnot, but I don’t think it was to the point where it was that serious to where they should’ve called it. That comes with the territory and she understands that as a female fighter."

He talks more about Kimbo, the CBS production, and some other stuff in the full interview:

Rogers by sloppy KO rd1 if they fight imo.

lol @ ya'll some fighters?

he doose work

 rogers is sloppy and leaves himself open for shots to the head and could potentially get ko'd by slice in the 1st

Do Work

I'm on the Rogers bandwagon. I think at this time, a fight with Kimbo would not work out too well for Kimbo.

I am pretty sure Gan Mcgee is getting the next match with Kimbo.

claycarter - I am pretty sure Gan Mcgee is getting the next match with Kimbo.

 Nah...I'm picking Jon Murphy for Kimbo's next match.


 Brett Rogers could be Kimbo's first loss......I don't think this fight would be as sloppy as what we saw in Jersey.

Kimbo was humble enough to say that his game still needs alot of work.  Props to him stepping in the cage.  Thousands of his haters don't even have the balls to do that, ya know!?

Rogers is having a clubber lang moment

Rogers would fucking make Kimbo his BITCH. Kimbo would be staring at the house lights within 2 mins.


Big Foot versus Rodgers

Kimbo versus Ken

EliteXC - I doose work

I'm on the Roger bandwagon. I'm glad he called the former King of the Hobo League out for what he is. I look forward to Brett sending him back to the boatyard.

he is correct

Claycarter, I don't know if you are joking, but I'd love to see Gann Magee fight Kimbo. Gan would be wise to take him down but he wouldn't. He'd stand and that would make EliteXCL very happy. Slice fighting a giant.

 Good job by Rogers. He saw an opportunity to get some good publicity from calling out an overhyped fighter and ran with it. Hopefully he and his manager Ken Pav can make something good come out of it and stick it to Gary Shaw a little bit while they're at it!

 Rogers by KO....but that would be the end of The Kimbo show.....

I would rather see Kimbo vs Ken Shamrock....just to get more of the Kimbo Show

Funny thing about Brett
From the side his punches look sloppy and slow
From behind they look sloppy and slow
from the POV of standing right in front of him they look different.
KOs happen for a reason
