Noone is going to beat this guy with the way he keeps improving. He destroyed a Pride veteran in only his third fight? He is way to big and strong for any one to do any thing to him. I know you internet nerds hate to have this brought up but i really think he would beat Fedor after he gets in a couple more fights. He could take any one down and he is getting good at avoiding submissions and it looks like he can throw HARD punches.
Brock Lesnar = future UFC champ depending on when he gets a title shot. He will own Mir in a rematch trust me he was beating him before the ref ran in to save Mir.
All aboard the FRATE train!!
FREIGHT, for the love of Gud.
Why all the height on jkdanforrestfan? He's just saying Lesner is grate and it's his feight to be champ.
LMAO!! Where do these hillbillies come from?
Who's Noone? A knew hevvywate? Is he a frate train two?
Frate. only on the UG.
Whoa is me! For all intensive purposes, the ironing is delicious, morans!!
As usual you nerds dont want to talk about the fights you want to talk about some minor little typo nitpick thing that you all think you are being funny about because you all think you are comedians. Talk about Lesnar or just let this thread sink.
Sorry meight. Maybe you logged on leight, but there are at least ate threads saying the same thing and talking about how grate Lesner is.
I expected more from Lesnar on the ground in this fight, considering he's been training BJJ full time.
I agree though, if he gets a ground game, he will be unstopable
jkdandforrestfan - you want to talk about some minor little typo nitpick thing
LOL @ "minor typo"
A typo would be spelling it freighy. The y is next to the t key. A simple error or "typo".
What you did was just all out hillbilly..........
I guess it was a "minor typo" that you hit the "ate" keys instead of the "eight" keys.
Horrible attempt at trying to save face.
Frate Trane, imo.
Why post on a forum calling everyone a nerd in your first post? You get what you get.. and work on your spelling so the nerds don't make fun of you as much next time.
jkdandforrestfan - Noone is going to beat this guy with the way he keeps improving. He destroyed a Pride veteran in only his third fight? He is way to big and strong for any one to do any thing to him. I know you internet nerds hate to have this brought up but i really think he would beat Fedor after he gets in a couple more fights. He could take any one down and he is getting good at avoiding submissions and it looks like he can throw HARD punches.
Brock Lesnar = future UFC champ depending on when he gets a title shot. He will own Mir in a rematch trust me he was beating him before the ref ran in to save Mir.
train, imo
lol@FRAT train
Ka'nt wate till Lesner is on the mane eevent!
Churla - Sorry meight. Maybe you logged on leight, but there are at least ate threads saying the same thing and talking about how grate Lesner is.
Ignore the haters, OP.
Anyone else notice Lesnar's hands go up for a "crazy monkey"-type guard before throwing that shot?
Edit: and check out how he just ran strate into Heath at the end there! "Frate trane attack" IMO