After a 3 hour test, Sensei Edson Carvalho promoted Joe Viz to Brown Belt in BJJ. Joe has been busy the last 2 months, as he was promoted to 2nd Degree Black Belt in Judo by Sensei Ed Shirey. CONGRATULATIONS JOE
Joe Viz is the instructor at
Jersey Shore BJJ & Judo Club
406C Main St
Avon NJ 07717
Stop in for a free class and congratulate Joe!! See our schedule at
We’ve been hearing a lot about this subject, a lot of rumors. Joe has worked very hard to be at the level he is now, so let’s set the record straight.
Joe started Judo young and already had extensive Judo training when he went to PKA. Joe eventually realized he had learned all he could there and his BJJ training could not progress as he wanted it to. Frustrated and ready to quit Martial Arts, as well as feeling taken advantage of – He left for a volunteer coaching opportunity with West Point Prep School (USMAPS) under Ed Shirey and Paul Turse (who have over 50 years coaching experience between them – 5th and 6th dans in Judo). Under their coaching his skills quickly progressed until they promoted him to 1st dan in Judo.
Joe was promoted to Blue Belt in BJJ by Rickson Gracie and to Purple Belt in BJJ by Marcos Santos. Both recognized champion black belts from Brazil - Two awesome names to be associated with in the BJJ world.
For almost 2 years now, Joe has been training with Sensei Edson Carvalho, a Champion Black Belt in BJJ and Judo, and Joe’s game improved immensely.
Sensei recognized Joe’s Judo abilities and his drive to bring his BJJ up to the same level. While Joe was getting ready to take his Brown Belt test with Sensei, we asked him to be the main instructor at Team Edson Carvalho’s newest school, Jersey Shore BJJ & Judo Club, here in Avon (3 blocks from the beach!!). After a 3 hour test, Joe was awarded his Brown Belt by Edson Carvalho. Joe feels it is high point of his training, to date, to represent Edson Carvalho’s team. Joe, like many of us, continues to train directly with Sensei on a regular basis.
The Philosophy of Team Edson Carvalho is to embrace the individual and the Art above the allegiance of the student. We don’t care who else you train with - We have an Open door policy – We do not have contracts - We encourage people to train at other places and we do not feel threatened or uneasy by this. We feel we have something to offer that will keep you coming to our school and be part of our training family. Anyone training in BJJ or Judo who considers morality and ethics an integral part of their art, anyone who wants to work hard, train hard and fight hard together and still be good friends will enjoy training with us. Everyone out there with some time in the arts knows how rare this situation is.
If your instructor is telling you where or with whom you can train – because of some feud from another country that happened years ago – or because of some organization restriction – you should consider who those scenarios serve and what your personal long terms goals are. If you are paying good money for your training you should get good, consistent training, in an environment with people and instructors you like.