I repeat...
Can I get some help from a blue? Thx!
we all love to train here for the most part, and will do so til we die. It isnt hard to amass a shitton of skill if you just never stop.
bruce was all about being well rounded, I am not a lee jockrider like so many, and have seen his grave but dont kneel or pray to it.
But his idea of being good in all ranges, weapons and unarmed, flowing thru each range, taking your opponent into your strong area or into his weak area, all things most have added to their training theory.
I'm betting OP's boyfriend left him for a short, athletic Asian guy.
tsunaminw -Captain Insano X -tsunaminw - I have trained with at least 7 of Bruce Lee's students who most of you know and they all state clearly he was a fighter first, and an actor second.
Sure you have cupcake.
That's beauty of the internet. You can claim to have done and be whomever you wish,
Go ahead and make up so more bs for us. It's your lie....tell it how you'd like.
I can back up everything I say easily, but you know even bothering me to list them and provide my own name (which I do not hide )is just stalling for time, because you will find out I was telling the truth and you are a fool.
So keep smoke screening everyone cupcake. You prove my point the more you speak.
I am certified to teach under Jim Demile, I came here to Seattle specifically to train with Jim and his son Rick or Jim himself, back in Hawaii can verify. I trained heavily with Wally Jay, Sunny Umpad, Leonard Trigg, Taky Kimura, Jesse Glover, Danny Inosanto. I have over 30 yrs experience in both JKD, combatives, and MMA on Team AMC with Matt Hume and Maurice Smith back when they taught together with Haru. I live 4 blocks from Ivan Saliverrys gym, we trained together at AMC. I owned a school in Woodinville Washington for 12 years and am teaching privately now in Downtown Seattle. I teach Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali, Systema, Aikijujutsu. I trained Akijujutsu with Bernie Lau and Wally Jay, trained with Remy Preses in Arnis.
I have black belts in Wing Chun(2nd degree), Kyokushin, Hapkido(2nd degree), and certified in 4 others.
We also shoot for Team Glock here in Washington in IDPA and IPSC tournaments.
If you are ever in Seattle, feel free to stop by for a visit.None of these make me a badass, which is sure to be the next response. But they do validate that I am not some internet troll unknown and needing attention. I have been around, and it's all there for anyone to see.
Cool story bro ..........
GreenLight -Captain Insano X - Jealous? Your comprehension skills are pretty bad. I never said anything about fame, but if anything, one might think I'm implying is that all he had going for him was fame.
He certainly was not a badass...........
Jealousy is the root of it all. Typical man talk where they put people down because they don't like someone getting more credit than them, so they discredit them and make claims/guesses about the person that are bs to do so. I already mentioned your credibility issue. The best martial artists of the day all disagree with you, yet you act like you have better info when you never were around the guy.
LOL..you're reaching now.
and that is a perfect dicktuck if I ever saw one. Even the UFC judges would agree with 30's across the board that you showed us all exactly how the dicktuck should be done.
like Jinx says, you sir are a beandick.
TheFuzz - Bruce had a bunch in the Tao of JKD about wrestling and its importance to fighting. Since he didn't have much training in it I can't imagine that he was that skilled at it, but he was one of the first to tell everyone else that it was REALLY something martial artists should be looking into.
Bruce actualy had a bunch of grappling drills and takedowns in his training methods. I have spent quite a bit of time training with Dan Inosanto, he talked about and showed the drills they were wroking on in the 60's to early 70's.
They spent more time grappling than you think... BUT they did not roll like the Gracies. Thats why the Gracies are so damn revolutionary for modern training METHODS. The time Dan has spent in BJJ/GJJ just shows that Bruce was on the right path for the ground game... but bruce was a street fighter, he would not have taken too much of the modern stall game and short matches of sport BJJ.
You have plenty of others who are as well known and dont have the habit of exxagrating.
start with danny, taky, and jesse.
OP sounds like he got his ass kicked by someone smaller than him and is bitter about it. or maybe feels ostracized for being bigger than everybody else. to protect his self image he's discrediting one of the best examples of how a smaller man has accomplished way more than he has, and by somehow hating on bruce lee by calling him a fraud, he can feel better about the fact that he hasnt reached the same greatness despite being bigger and stronger than a 5'7'', 130 guy. maybe thats why you have that avatar of that big meathead dude. you can relate. maybe its you. i think you have some issues to deal with before you start disrespecting a man to whom many martial artists and athletes owe a great deal. i hate when people use a forum about martial arts and sports as a psychological outlet for their own insecurities...
Captain Insano X -tsunaminw -Captain Insano X -tsunaminw - I have trained with at least 7 of Bruce Lee's students who most of you know and they all state clearly he was a fighter first, and an actor second.
Sure you have cupcake.
That's beauty of the internet. You can claim to have done and be whomever you wish,
Go ahead and make up so more bs for us. It's your lie....tell it how you'd like.
I can back up everything I say easily, but you know even bothering me to list them and provide my own name (which I do not hide )is just stalling for time, because you will find out I was telling the truth and you are a fool.
So keep smoke screening everyone cupcake. You prove my point the more you speak.
I am certified to teach under Jim Demile, I came here to Seattle specifically to train with Jim and his son Rick or Jim himself, back in Hawaii can verify. I trained heavily with Wally Jay, Sunny Umpad, Leonard Trigg, Taky Kimura, Jesse Glover, Danny Inosanto. I have over 30 yrs experience in both JKD, combatives, and MMA on Team AMC with Matt Hume and Maurice Smith back when they taught together with Haru. I live 4 blocks from Ivan Saliverrys gym, we trained together at AMC. I owned a school in Woodinville Washington for 12 years and am teaching privately now in Downtown Seattle. I teach Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali, Systema, Aikijujutsu. I trained Akijujutsu with Bernie Lau and Wally Jay, trained with Remy Preses in Arnis.
I have black belts in Wing Chun(2nd degree), Kyokushin, Hapkido(2nd degree), and certified in 4 others.
We also shoot for Team Glock here in Washington in IDPA and IPSC tournaments.
If you are ever in Seattle, feel free to stop by for a visit.None of these make me a badass, which is sure to be the next response. But they do validate that I am not some internet troll unknown and needing attention. I have been around, and it's all there for anyone to see.
Cool story bro ..........
no ,your owned here and bad
CAPTAIN INSANO X is a troll.
Winston Wolf -Captain Insano X -tsunaminw -Captain Insano X -tsunaminw - I have trained with at least 7 of Bruce Lee's students who most of you know and they all state clearly he was a fighter first, and an actor second.
Sure you have cupcake.
That's beauty of the internet. You can claim to have done and be whomever you wish,
Go ahead and make up so more bs for us. It's your lie....tell it how you'd like.
I can back up everything I say easily, but you know even bothering me to list them and provide my own name (which I do not hide )is just stalling for time, because you will find out I was telling the truth and you are a fool.
So keep smoke screening everyone cupcake. You prove my point the more you speak.
I am certified to teach under Jim Demile, I came here to Seattle specifically to train with Jim and his son Rick or Jim himself, back in Hawaii can verify. I trained heavily with Wally Jay, Sunny Umpad, Leonard Trigg, Taky Kimura, Jesse Glover, Danny Inosanto. I have over 30 yrs experience in both JKD, combatives, and MMA on Team AMC with Matt Hume and Maurice Smith back when they taught together with Haru. I live 4 blocks from Ivan Saliverrys gym, we trained together at AMC. I owned a school in Woodinville Washington for 12 years and am teaching privately now in Downtown Seattle. I teach Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali, Systema, Aikijujutsu. I trained Akijujutsu with Bernie Lau and Wally Jay, trained with Remy Preses in Arnis.
I have black belts in Wing Chun(2nd degree), Kyokushin, Hapkido(2nd degree), and certified in 4 others.
We also shoot for Team Glock here in Washington in IDPA and IPSC tournaments.
If you are ever in Seattle, feel free to stop by for a visit.None of these make me a badass, which is sure to be the next response. But they do validate that I am not some internet troll unknown and needing attention. I have been around, and it's all there for anyone to see.
Cool story bro ..........
no ,your owned here and bad
Owned by what exactly? A bunch of made up horse crap?
You've always been clueless and gullible. All that marijuana you smoke I guess..........
Bruce Lee did indeed train grappling techniques with Gene Lebelle. I remember finding a old book in my local library when I was a kid with Bruce wearing vale tudo gloves and doing kimuras and what not.
However, this is not what is important when it comes to Lee in my opinion. The biggest legacy he left behind for martial artists were his theories on fighting and everything that goes with it.
Read his books, or download the rare interview he had on a TV show not long before he died. The man was a martial arts guru.
Be water frens.
No championship lasts past your death. Glory is fleeting, something shiny to hold the attention of children so they'll buy whatever the sponsors are selling. Not that I'm putting down pro fighters, but only a few are considered so unorthodox as to be revolutionary and fewer still can transmit that revolutionary method to others so that we can say they changed how we think about fighting.
Whether or not you think Lee could have whupped Brock Lesnar, he contributed to martial arts knowledge and understanding, and strove to improve himself. He has a legacy which is more than 99% of fighters today will be able to say when their time comes. And that is his true value as a martial artist.
Could Bruce beat ass? I'm sure he could beat some. Not everyone's but nobody can do that.
Captain Insano X -Winston Wolf -Captain Insano X -tsunaminw -Captain Insano X -tsunaminw - I have trained with at least 7 of Bruce Lee's students who most of you know and they all state clearly he was a fighter first, and an actor second.
Sure you have cupcake.
That's beauty of the internet. You can claim to have done and be whomever you wish,
Go ahead and make up so more bs for us. It's your lie....tell it how you'd like.
I can back up everything I say easily, but you know even bothering me to list them and provide my own name (which I do not hide )is just stalling for time, because you will find out I was telling the truth and you are a fool.
So keep smoke screening everyone cupcake. You prove my point the more you speak.
I am certified to teach under Jim Demile, I came here to Seattle specifically to train with Jim and his son Rick or Jim himself, back in Hawaii can verify. I trained heavily with Wally Jay, Sunny Umpad, Leonard Trigg, Taky Kimura, Jesse Glover, Danny Inosanto. I have over 30 yrs experience in both JKD, combatives, and MMA on Team AMC with Matt Hume and Maurice Smith back when they taught together with Haru. I live 4 blocks from Ivan Saliverrys gym, we trained together at AMC. I owned a school in Woodinville Washington for 12 years and am teaching privately now in Downtown Seattle. I teach Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali, Systema, Aikijujutsu. I trained Akijujutsu with Bernie Lau and Wally Jay, trained with Remy Preses in Arnis.
I have black belts in Wing Chun(2nd degree), Kyokushin, Hapkido(2nd degree), and certified in 4 others.
We also shoot for Team Glock here in Washington in IDPA and IPSC tournaments.
If you are ever in Seattle, feel free to stop by for a visit.None of these make me a badass, which is sure to be the next response. But they do validate that I am not some internet troll unknown and needing attention. I have been around, and it's all there for anyone to see.
Cool story bro ..........
no ,your owned here and bad
Owned by what exactly? A bunch of made up horse crap?
You've always been clueless and gullible. All that marijuana you smoke I guess..........
and u have always been a scumbag who has no life so he makes threads to troll.And who says its made up ?
tsunaminw -impressive list of creds.Captain Insano X -tsunaminw - I have trained with at least 7 of Bruce Lee's students who most of you know and they all state clearly he was a fighter first, and an actor second.
Sure you have cupcake.
That's beauty of the internet. You can claim to have done and be whomever you wish,
Go ahead and make up so more bs for us. It's your lie....tell it how you'd like.
I can back up everything I say easily, but you know even bothering me to list them and provide my own name (which I do not hide )is just stalling for time, because you will find out I was telling the truth and you are a fool.
So keep smoke screening everyone cupcake. You prove my point the more you speak.
I am certified to teach under Jim Demile, I came here to Seattle specifically to train with Jim and his son Rick or Jim himself, back in Hawaii can verify. I trained heavily with Wally Jay, Sunny Umpad, Leonard Trigg, Taky Kimura, Jesse Glover, Danny Inosanto. I have over 30 yrs experience in both JKD, combatives, and MMA on Team AMC with Matt Hume and Maurice Smith back when they taught together with Haru. I live 4 blocks from Ivan Saliverrys gym, we trained together at AMC. I owned a school in Woodinville Washington for 12 years and am teaching privately now in Downtown Seattle. I teach Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali, Systema, Aikijujutsu. I trained Akijujutsu with Bernie Lau and Wally Jay, trained with Remy Preses in Arnis.
I have black belts in Wing Chun(2nd degree), Kyokushin, Hapkido(2nd degree), and certified in 4 others.
We also shoot for Team Glock here in Washington in IDPA and IPSC tournaments.
If you are ever in Seattle, feel free to stop by for a visit.None of these make me a badass, which is sure to be the next response. But they do validate that I am not some internet troll unknown and needing attention. I have been around, and it's all there for anyone to see.
would love to have learned from a few of those names.
OP is nothing but a trolling douche who spouts bullshit and sidesteps when he is shown to be a farce and completely owned by 99% of the people posting on this thread. How pitiful must his existence be that this is the only way he can intereact with people.
Oh....and VTFD everytime you see this POS!
p4p bruce lee was and still is a legend.
vs a heavyweight ufc/strickforce/k-1/boxer though???...yeah...
bsrizpac - Bruce Lee fanboys have the worst logic in the universe. It's actually astonishing.
People say he was not a fighter.
Response? But..but..he trained. A lot. And he was like in shape and stuff. And he knew things.
Really? That's the criteria for a fighter now?
It's hilarious to watch a group of people who are fans of a sport BUILT on debunking these kinds of myths ball wax a guy who NEVER fought in a sanctioned fight. His only fight was against some Kung Fu guy in Seattle. A fight he didn't win btw.
His "boxing record" is bullshit. It's shocking that anyone believes it. The name on his record (the one he won a "championship" from) was FAKE. This has already been gone over. No one could find the guys name as a real boxer.
But of course you have retards like Ultra Magnus saying he could have been a boxer but just chose not to go pro. Yeah. Right.
Explain this to us all please. Guys like Judo Gene Labell and Dan Inosanto are considered Legends in the martial arts and nobody disputes that they are total badasses. Guess what dude ? Neither of these guys fought either.
And about the boxing thing. You won't find any of his opponents names on boxrec or anywhere like that. He took part in a high school boxing tournament when he was like 16 years old.