Winston Wolf - 
Captain Insano X - 
Winston Wolf - 
Captain Insano X - 
tsunaminw - 
Captain Insano X - 
tsunaminw -  I have trained with at least 7 of Bruce Lee's students who most of you know and they all state clearly he was a fighter first, and an actor second.

Sure you have cupcake.

That's beauty of the internet. You can claim to have done and be whomever you wish,

Go ahead and make up so more bs for us. It's your lie....tell it how you'd like.

I can back up everything I say easily, but you know even bothering me to list them and provide my own name (which I do not hide )is just stalling for time, because you will find out I was telling the truth and you are a fool.

So keep smoke screening everyone cupcake. You prove my point the more you speak.

I am certified to teach under Jim Demile, I came here to Seattle specifically to train with Jim and his son Rick or Jim himself, back in Hawaii can verify. I trained heavily with Wally Jay, Sunny Umpad, Leonard Trigg, Taky Kimura, Jesse Glover, Danny Inosanto. I have over 30 yrs experience in both JKD, combatives, and MMA on Team AMC with Matt Hume and Maurice Smith back when they taught together with Haru. I live 4 blocks from Ivan Saliverrys gym, we trained together at AMC. I owned a school in Woodinville Washington for 12 years and am teaching privately now in Downtown Seattle. I teach Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali, Systema, Aikijujutsu. I trained Akijujutsu with Bernie Lau and Wally Jay, trained with Remy Preses in Arnis.
I have black belts in Wing Chun(2nd degree), Kyokushin, Hapkido(2nd degree), and certified in 4 others.
We also shoot for Team Glock here in Washington in IDPA and IPSC tournaments.

If you are ever in Seattle, feel free to stop by for a visit.None of these make me a badass, which is sure to be the next response. But they do validate that I am not some internet troll unknown and needing attention. I have been around, and it's all there for anyone to see.

Cool story bro ..........

no ,your owned here and bad

Owned by what exactly? A bunch of made up horse crap?

You've always been clueless and gullible. All that marijuana you smoke I guess..........

And who says its made up ?

Thanks for proving me right.

Winston "Stoned & Gullible" Wolf

bsrizpac - Bruce Lee fanboys have the worst logic in the universe. It's actually astonishing.

People say he was not a fighter.

Response? But..but..he trained. A lot. And he was like in shape and stuff. And he knew things.

Really? That's the criteria for a fighter now?

It's hilarious to watch a group of people who are fans of a sport BUILT on debunking these kinds of myths ball wax a guy who NEVER fought in a sanctioned fight. His only fight was against some Kung Fu guy in Seattle. A fight he didn't win btw.

His "boxing record" is bullshit. It's shocking that anyone believes it. The name on his record (the one he won a "championship" from) was FAKE. This has already been gone over. No one could find the guys name as a real boxer.

But of course you have retards like Ultra Magnus saying he could have been a boxer but just chose not to go pro. Yeah. Right.


ddinks - Alot of these guys in the 1960's tournaments were ex servicemen. I'm sure alot of them would liked to have stepped ont the mat with Bruce Lee. It must have been annoying to see him doing his demonstrations but not actually competing against anybody.

 I know quite a few people that were actually there at the Ed Parker tournament.  Everyone was VERY impressed with Bruce and he recieved nothing but accolades and applause.

TTT for Bruce Lee. R.I.P.

R.I.P. Bruce,for sure...Am I on Sherdog,right now,or,the Paul Bax forum?6of 1,half of tuther?HELP!!!

GreenLight - One thing we all know for sure is that physically he was unbelievably athletic. On physical terms, the dude was sick.

So what......didn't Tim Sylvia just beat up the strongest man in the world a few months ago?

you miss the fact that the 2 main guys Bruce fought were choy lay fut stylists and they have always been the anti-wing chin with their linear attacks. Its like Silat being the muay thai killer. Bruce has trouble making his close infighting style work against larger framed Americans, because the centerline punching lacked power, the stance in traditional wing chun lacked mobility compared to other arts, and Americans are head hunters. most asian styles must be tweaked to address these factors.

And insano, did I mention how awesome that dicktuck was? beandick. i can prove what i say, and you're a brick.

GreenLight - 
Captain Insano X - 
GreenLight - One thing we all know for sure is that physically he was unbelievably athletic. On physical terms, the dude was sick.

So what......didn't Tim Sylvia just beat up the strongest man in the world a few months ago?

You're changing subjects again.

No, the subject that you tried to use to counter my claim, which was physical terms, is moot........

I owned, humiliated, and decimated you again. Give it up junior......

tsunaminw - you miss the fact that the 2 main guys Bruce fought were choy lay fut stylists and they have always been the anti-wing chin with their linear attacks. Its like Silat being the muay thai killer. Bruce has trouble making his close infighting style work against larger framed Americans, because the centerline punching lacked power, the stance in traditional wing chun lacked mobility compared to other arts, and Americans are head hunters. most asian styles must be tweaked to address these factors.

And insano, did I mention how awesome that dicktuck was? beandick. i can prove what i say, and you're a brick.

You miss the fact, that all that crap you claimed earlier is false.....

You clearly do not know what a 'dick tuck' is....

And you're fascinated with my penis.

Bruce Lee wasn't only a badass but also an innovator of MMA. He was truly ahead of his time. Besides Royce Gracie, all MMA fighters owe respect to Bruce Lee

Captain Insano X - 
tsunaminw - you miss the fact that the 2 main guys Bruce fought were choy lay fut stylists and they have always been the anti-wing chin with their linear attacks. Its like Silat being the muay thai killer. Bruce has trouble making his close infighting style work against larger framed Americans, because the centerline punching lacked power, the stance in traditional wing chun lacked mobility compared to other arts, and Americans are head hunters. most asian styles must be tweaked to address these factors.

And insano, did I mention how awesome that dicktuck was? beandick. i can prove what i say, and you're a brick.

You miss the fact, that all that crap you claimed earlier is false.....

You clearly do not know what a 'dick tuck' is....

And you're fascinated with my penis.

exactly what i would have said.

if i loved the cock.

tsunaminw - 
Captain Insano X - 
tsunaminw - you miss the fact that the 2 main guys Bruce fought were choy lay fut stylists and they have always been the anti-wing chin with their linear attacks. Its like Silat being the muay thai killer. Bruce has trouble making his close infighting style work against larger framed Americans, because the centerline punching lacked power, the stance in traditional wing chun lacked mobility compared to other arts, and Americans are head hunters. most asian styles must be tweaked to address these factors.

And insano, did I mention how awesome that dicktuck was? beandick. i can prove what i say, and you're a brick.

You miss the fact, that all that crap you claimed earlier is false.....

You clearly do not know what a 'dick tuck' is....

And you're fascinated with my penis.

exactly what i would have said. if i loved the cock.

I accept your surrender..........

Op...thank you...I thought maybe I had lost my sanity because everyone worships this guy and for what? I grant he had a huge influence on martial arts. I grant that I like some of his ideas and philosophy. But I also contend that Bruce lee had a negative impact on martial arts rather than a positive one. Martial arts are a joke. Jeet kun do is the biggest joke of all. seriously. Who fights like that? They claim to have a "death touch" and act as if the "one inch punch "is some fucking mysterious force that science hasn't discovered when in physical FACT it is the weakest punch until you begin measuring distances below one inch. it is goddamned ridiculous!

Fact: The name Bruce lee would be scarcely known if it were not for movies.

Jeet Kune Do claims to have a death touch? That's a new one on me! Phone Post

Jessy 30 Newb,please go forth and 1 inch punch yourself in the nuts,repeatedly.Maybe knock some fucking sense into yourself,whilst at it.

Captain Insano X - He was nothing more than a crappy actor who trained a little bit.

Gene Lebell exposed him for the fraud that he was.

How much of a bad ass can you be @ 5'7" / 130 lbs. ?

I can't believe how many people buy in to this farce......

"Trained a little bit" ?!?  You need to do some more research.  Bruce Lee was incredibly dedicated to training and improving himself.  And lol at not being a badass if you're a little guy.  I guess Aldo's not a badass either.


I got certified to teach under Demile. I came out to Seattle when I learned he was coming back here from Hawaii to open a school and take one last group of guys to instructor level. There was 30 of us that started, including his son Rick who assisted, an incredible student named Cameron who is still teaching, in Detroit I believe.
Zaid Aziz, former Seattle Sonic and Houston Rocket and about 6'9", doing Chi Sao with him shredded your shoulder muscles and he could hit you when you were a foot out of reach to hit back.

We trained constantly, he wrote the book literally on the 1 and 3inch punch.
But you see the same body mechanics in Systema striking, Val Riazanov has a great DVD on it and you can find his work on Youtube as well.
It was not mystical, everything was hyped back then.
But I majored in Sports Medicine/Kinesiology and the mechanics of the punch are easily explained.

The guys that Bruce trained with said he couldnt watch tv without doing crunches, pushups whatever at the same time. He could not sit still. Aldo reminds me of that. They said going out to eat was crazy, because even if you had a fork full of food they were always taking shots at each other and you had to drop that fork and block that punch no matter what. Reminds me of the jackass crew, nothing is sacred.
I don't like people fucking with me while I am eating, lol.

Moron X do u still think hes BSing ?

I forgot to mention, after the first year, 8 were still there. after 2 years, 6. and so on.

jesses is the perfect example of a new member since 2010.

no death touch was mentioned, the 1-3inch punch is real and part of many other styles.

jkd is a training philosophy, being well rounded in all ranges, stand up, clinch, and ground. weapons and empty hand.
modern mma is a perfect example of that being carried through.

styles like kajukenbo, systema, even krav maga all took the same theory of being well rounded. its the most practical goal to have even if you know nothing about jkd, which you clearly do not.

you want to see the biggest dipshits on the board come out and attempt to join the world of men, attempt to show off how smart they are etc?
start a bruce lee thread, sit back, and watch.

thanks jesse, for being a walking stereotype that most of us have seen here for over 10 years. even if you put your helmet back on and go back to your corner, another idiot will take your place. thanks for playing, you make our points without us having to explain it.