When the highlight of your fighting career is beating a Kung Fu teacher in the 1960/70's who nobody's heard of outside of fighting you and winning a high school boxing tournament in a country where boxing is non-existant, then you're not a fighter.
Great actor, martial arts visionary, but he was not a fighter. If he was he would have fought to show his prowess when he had the chance to.
OneScoup - When the highlight of your fighting career is beating a Kung Fu teacher in the 1960/70's who nobody's heard of outside of fighting you and winning a high school boxing tournament in a country where boxing is non-existant, then you're not a fighter.
Great actor, martial arts visionary, but he was not a fighter. If he was he would have fought to show his prowess when he had the chance to.
and another dipshit takes off his halo helmet to prove the stereotype once again.
nice work corky. now go put your helmet back on.
Captain Insano X -strykr619 -Captain Insano X - He was nothing more than a crappy actor who trained a little bit.
Gene Lebell exposed him for the fraud that he was.
How much of a bad ass can you be @ 5'7" / 130 lbs. ?
I can't believe how many people buy in to this farce......
Nice attempt at a troll job bro. Its well known that Gene LeBell and Bruce Lee were good friends. Its also well know the Judo Gene taught Bruce Judo as well... Many people including Lebell and Chuck Norris have pointed out how STRONG Bruce Lee was for his Size....
Too bad your troll job is so obvious thou. <br type="_moz" />
Lebell and Lee became friends AFTER Lebell roughed him up on a set. If Lee is such a legend, what does that make Gene?
Lol @ strong for his size! Ants are one of the strongest living things, for their size, yet we crush them daily......
A 145 pound ant would rip you limb from limb. You realize there are olympic weigh lifters out there in the 140 pound range that could easily manhandle you physically right?
Jessy30 - Op...thank you...I thought maybe I had lost my sanity because everyone worships this guy and for what? I grant he had a huge influence on martial arts. I grant that I like some of his ideas and philosophy. But I also contend that Bruce lee had a negative impact on martial arts rather than a positive one. Martial arts are a joke. Jeet kun do is the biggest joke of all. seriously. Who fights like that? They claim to have a "death touch" and act as if the "one inch punch "is some fucking mysterious force that science hasn't discovered when in physical FACT it is the weakest punch until you begin measuring distances below one inch. it is goddamned ridiculous!
Fact: The name Bruce lee would be scarcely known if it were not for movies.
It must be a trying life forming emotional opinions on things you are completely ignorant of. "Death touch?" That is the exact opposite of the JKD philosophy.
OneScoup - When the highlight of your fighting career is beating a Kung Fu teacher in the 1960/70's who nobody's heard of outside of fighting you and winning a high school boxing tournament in a country where boxing is non-existant, then you're not a fighter.
Great actor, martial arts visionary, but he was not a fighter. If he was he would have fought to show his prowess when he had the chance to.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. ...
This thread is on stage 1 & 2.......
It'll be on 3 before it's over.
the truth you are talking about is you being full of shit, a troll at best and hardly a good one. this thread has been done 100x plus since submissionfighting.com.
you are not original your arent even good are ripping off others trolling attempts.
and you have been broken down like a tent, time and time again. go kick yourself in the vagina.
Bruce Lee would get his ass kicked by a luta livre, vale tudo or a bjj guy in Brazil. Im not sold on Bruce Lee because he didnt fought anybody except for some stories made by wife or whoever, yet alone competed in a vale tudo matches
hey look, the shitball hanging on a stick has attracted another boytroll coming to show us how much he knows, lol.
you are number 10,002 to try this here neutraman, welcome to the tufnoob club chief.
tsunaminw - the truth you are talking about is you being full of shit, a troll at best and hardly a good one. this thread has been done 100x plus since submissionfighting.com.
you are not original your arent even good are ripping off others trolling attempts.
and you have been broken down like a tent, time and time again. go kick yourself in the vagina.
Still stuck on stage 1 & 2 ..................
Captain Insano X -tsunaminw - the truth you are talking about is you being full of shit, a troll at best and hardly a good one. this thread has been done 100x plus since submissionfighting.com.
you are not original your arent even good are ripping off others trolling attempts.
and you have been broken down like a tent, time and time again. go kick yourself in the vagina.
Still stuck on stage 1 & 2 ..................
Awwwww poor baby need attention? Need a huggy? Come here poor little guy. Daddy and Mommy ignoring u? No play hide and seekey with little guy? O.K. here's your hug. <squeeze> Now go try and get some POSITIVE attention little troll. Negative attention leads to prostitution of your body and tooth decay.
DakenTattoo -
Awwwww poor baby need attention? Need a huggy? Come here poor little guy. Daddy and Mommy ignoring u? No play hide and seekey with little guy? O.K. here's your hug.Now go try and get some POSITIVE attention little troll. Negative attention leads to prostitution of your body and tooth decay.
Translation = I'm still stuck on stage 1 & 2 ..................
translation=im like a black chick who when completely cornered and shown to be a fucking brick, just gets loud and repeats the same shit over and over thinking its a win.
go ahead, you found a cliche slogan to repeat, and i guess its better than just saying "whatever" then pulling a dicktuck.
but not much better
tsunaminw - translation=im like a black chick who when completely cornered and shown to be a fucking brick, just gets loud and repeats the same shit over and over thinking its a win.
go ahead, you found a cliche slogan to repeat, and i guess its better than just saying "whatever" then pulling a dicktuck.
but not much better
You've been reduced to insults and name calling = I win
Give it up junior. Your made up creds don't fly here .....
dance for us kid. do your defensive little dance.
keep proving everyone here correct about you. you should go back to sherdog. they take all the subpar trolls that get run off of this board. you will fit right in.
Do they show all the old Bruce Lee movies on cable a lot...I never see them listed???
its pretty clear why you hide who you are, but feel free to visit Seattle anytime and check my credentials, personally. I am easily found.
OneScoup - When the highlight of your fighting career is beating a Kung Fu teacher in the 1960/70's who nobody's heard of outside of fighting you and winning a high school boxing tournament in a country where boxing is non-existant, then you're not a fighter.
Great actor, martial arts visionary, but he was not a fighter. If he was he would have fought to show his prowess when he had the chance to.
I agree Bruce Lee was not a fighter he never competed. -
so your saying the definition of a fighter is limited to someone who competes in sport tournaments? lol.
jump on the bandwagon kid, going for a ride is easier than thinking for yourself.
tsunaminw - so your saying the definition of a fighter is limited to someone who competes in sport tournaments? lol.
jump on the bandwagon kid, going for a ride is easier than thinking for yourself.
Tell us about all the 'non-sanctioned' fights he had, that can be verified.
Not some JKD nerd, like yourself, saying, "Yeah, one time back in the day, I saw Bruce beat up 15 guys at one time".
I mean a legit source. You just make shit up to suit your agenda.
you still hold to a real fighter being only someone who competed in sport tournaments, is that correct or not?